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A Dangerous Game of Love Page 7

  Ring Ring Ring…Gavin’s private line rang; looking at the caller Id he saw it was Aniya.

  “You lucky yo, because I damn sure was.”

  “Hello,” Gavin answered, not realizing he said it with an attitude.

  “Eww why are you answering your phone like that? I figured you would’ve been happy I called but I guess not, so bye!” Aniya spat before hanging the phone up in his ear.

  “Hello? Hello? Damn yo. Today is just not my day!”

  “What happened and who was that?” Gio asked.

  “Aniya and she hung up on me.”


  “Hold up, I got to call her back.”

  Listening to the phone ring on the other end he hoped like hell she picked up.

  “What Gavin? What do you want?” She asked, now the one with attitude.

  “C’mon lil mama, don’t act like that. I’m sorry Niy.”

  “Well why you answer your phone like that then? Like I was bothering you or something?”

  “Ma listen, it wasn’t you. You know you wasn’t bothering me, my day isn’t going well and I have a headache, but never mind that my fault though I didn’t mean to take my shit out on you.” He decided he wouldn’t tell her about Jayla popping up at his jump. He figured he could handle her without her knowing they were doing well and him mentioning his ex, showing up my cause problems.

  Sucking her teeth, “Fine…just don’t let it happen again!”

  Laughing some “Iight you got it, what’s up though. How’s your day going lil mama?”

  “It was going well until I called you and you gave me attitude,” she said half-jokingly.

  “C’mon Niy, cut me some slack I told you my fault.”

  “I guess, but I was calling to see what you were doing tonight, if you weren’t busy I was going to come over and cook and I figured after we could watch movies and chill.”

  “Oh word you cooking and shit, you must be feeling the kid,” Gavin joked.

  “Oh please you are not all of that. Don’t play yourself.”

  “I hear it, but you were already coming over later. You don’t need me to get you from school though?”

  “No Nic is driving; remember I told you at lunch, you don’t listen,” she told him.

  “I do listen but it didn’t hurt to ask.”

  “Wait hold up, I was already coming over? What if I had plans or didn’t want to come to your house?” she asked.

  “Then you were going to cancel them or I was tagging along and if you didn’t want to come to mine I was coming to yours.”

  “Whatever you’re so silly, but I’m going to let you get back to work and I’ll see you later.”

  “Iight I’ll see you later, you got the key so you can just let yourself in. I love you baby.”

  “Ok and I love you too Gav,” Aniya said before hanging up.

  “You and Niya came a long way. In all honestly I’m glad to see you’re doing right by her. No lie but a first I thought you weren’t going to, I mean I know how you do with girls in all.” Gio stated once Gavin had hung up the phone.

  “Really G?” Gavin asked in disbelief. “I told you man…I told you I wasn’t trying to hit it and quit it. Something about her drew me in, I couldn’t hit and quit if I wanted to. I swear it feels like shorty has me under a spell or something.”

  “Nah it’s not no spell, you’re just a sucker for love ass nigga, that’s all. Niya done made you fall in love and shit. Now you done went and turn old on me and doing married people type shit. Where my dawg at? Cause this nigga in front of me isn’t him, tell him to holla at me,” Gio joked.

  Gavin could only laugh with him; even though Gio was cracking jokes he knew his boy was happy for him.

  “Yeah whatever, I hear it. Let’s see how you act when you find the woman of your dreams. Bet you won’t be talking shit anymore because you’re going to be in the same boat as me.”

  “And on that note I’m out. I’ll get up with you later yo,” Gio said as he was getting up. He was still young and living the wild life; chasing money and success with the hoes following. Yeah one day he would like to have the woman of his dreams and make a family, but that day was no time soon. Gavin could save all of that. He wasn’t letting a chick tie him down anytime soon.

  Laughing Gavin asked “Why you leaving? Oh so when the spotlight is put on you, you can’t handle it huh?”

  “Your old sucka for love ass trying to get everyone down on the love team. Nope I’m good! I’m out.”

  “Iight later G.”

  When I’m with you…

  After Gio left Gavin finished the rest of the paper work before locking up his office and heading out. Getting his keys from his assistant Lloyd, he told him he’ll see him sometime next week before driving off the lot. Before heading home to his lil mama he made a stop at Zale’s to pick up something nice for her.

  While he was browsing over the jewelry, Lil Wayne’s How to love starting blaring through his phone. Knowing it could only be one person he picked up.

  “Yeah ma. Wassup?”

  “Baby you still at work?” Aniya asked.

  “Nah I left, but I had to make a quick stop first. Soon as I’m done I’m heading to the house. Why what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing is wrong; I just changed my mind about staying in. I rather go out, are you in the mood to go out instead?”

  “Yeah that’s cool; it’s whatever you want to do,” he countered.

  “I figure we could go to out to eat and maybe a movie or something.”

  “Iight that’s cool. I’ll be home in a few. Yo can you pick me out something for me to wear lil mama?”

  “Sure babe…see you when you get here,” Aniya said.

  “Iight,” he said before hanging up, at the same as pointing to a pair of pink diamond earrings.

  “Aye…let me see those, right there!” Gavin uttered to the sales lady.

  Pulling them out, she handed them to him.

  “How many carats?”

  “Four,” she answered.

  “Yeah these will work. Wrap them up,” he replied at the same time he handed her his credit card.

  Aniya was in the closet picking out Gavin’s outfit as she heard him calling out her name.

  “Niy…Niy…where you at ma?”

  “I’m in the room babe,” she yelled back.

  He walked in the room the same time she was exiting the closet. Walking up to her, he wrapped his arms around her waist.

  “Hey lil mama.”

  Every time he called her that she would always starting blushing, “Hey baby.”

  “What time you trying to head out?”

  “I guess we can go whenever you’re finished getting ready,” Aniya replied.

  “Iight I’m going to jump in the shower real fast than,” he said before kissing her and walking to the shower.


  Aniya rushed to pick up the house phone.



  “Hello?” Aniya asked again. “Who is this?”

  Click…the caller hung up.

  “What the fuck?” Aniya thought.

  Ring…Ring…Ring…the house phone rang again.

  “Who is this?” Aniya asked with much attitude.

  “Umm hey baby, its Debra Gavin’s mom.”

  “Oh hi Mrs. Daniels. Sorry about that someone was just playing on the phone I thought it was them again.”

  “Baby don’t pay them no mind, they have nothing better to do with their life. But what did I tell you about that Mrs. Daniels crap. It’s either ma or Debra.”

  “Sorry Debra, but how are you?”

  “I’m fine sugar. I was calling to see if you wanted to have a girl’s day this weekend. Maybe do a little shopping and go to brunch. I would love to get yo know the woman who captured my son’s heart better.”

  “Sure. I would love to. Maybe we can go Saturday if that’s good for you.”

  “Yes that’s fine;
I’ll see you Saturday morning around ten. You can meet me at my house ok?”

  “Ok that’s fine.”

  “Ok enjoy the rest of your night and tell my baby I love him. Goodnight baby.”

  “Goodnight and I will.” Aniya responded.

  “Who was that?” Gavin asked making his presence known.

  Grabbing her chest, “Oh my god Gavin! You scared the hell out of me. Shit! And that was your mom.”

  Laughing at her, “My bad lil mama but what she wanted?”

  “Ummm…she wanted to hang out me and her.” Looking at him standing in front of her in nothing but a little towel, revealing all of his sexiness; Aniya’s mind went blank as her eyes went from his face to his chest. Her eyes traveled along with the drop of water that slowly rolled down his chest onto the towel that was loosely wrapped around his waist. She licked her lips imaging it was him she was licking instead.

  “You are so nasty Niy,” Gavin stated with a smirk.

  “Huh? How? I didn’t even do anything,” she stated innocently.

  “Yeah ok, it’s written all over your face and your face told everything you were thinking.”

  “Oh really? So what was I thinking?”

  Walking closer to her with a mischievous smile. “You were thinking how sexy I am and how much you want me.”

  “Hmm…what else?” she asked

  “How much you love and how you can’t live without me,” each time he said something he would place a kiss on her neck going back and forth from each side.

  “Oh yeah and how I’m the best you ever had. I’m the only man who can make you touch the ceiling and see stars as you’re coming.”

  Pushing him away Aniya started laughing. “You’re so full of yourself, go and get dress man.”

  “I’m speaking straight fact and fine, where my clothes at?”

  “Right on the bed. I’ll be downstairs when you’re ready.”

  “Iight.” Gavin responded.


  “So now he got the bitch answering his phone? Whenever I was there he would always cut the ringer off and told me I couldn’t answer it. Who does this hoe think she is? She couldn’t just come out of nowhere and think she’s going to take my spot. Hell no I worked too hard for him to be mine, to just let another come and get him. We are supposed to be a family. I’m going to be his wife. The sooner she’s out of the picture the sooner I can plan our wedding,” Jayla spoke out loud to herself as she was looking through wedding magazines. She had them spread all across the coffee table.

  Walking up and sitting next to her on the couch her little sister Tylee asked, “Jay who’s getting married?”

  “Pretty soon me…but let’s keep it between us ok? When the time is right I’m going to tell everyone.”

  “Yay…can I be the flower girl? Please?” Tylee begged.

  “Sure as long as you do what I said and keep this between us. It will be our little secret.”

  “Ok Jay…I’m good at keeping secrets too. But we got to pinky promise.”

  “Ok…Give me your pinky.” Sticking her pinky out, she connected it with her 6 year old sister.

  Smiling a sadistic smile, Jayla knew it was only a matter of time before Gavin was back in her arms.

  “Jay look this is so pretty,” Tylee said as she pointed to a dress. Bringing her attention back to her sister they spent the rest of the day looking at wedding dresses…

  Dressed in the outfit Aniya picked out for him; orange and brown long sleeve button up, brown vest, dark blue jeans and tan construction timbs with an orange snapback, he made his way downstairs. Walking in the kitchen he found Aniya sitting at the counter talking on her phone.

  “Iight Nic slow poke is finally ready, I’m going to call you later ok…ok…love you too lady.”

  “Who are you calling a slow poke?” He asked, throwing her in a headlock.

  Catching him off guard she elbowed him in his stomach and was able to escape from his hold.

  “You…and you play too much. Look you just messed up my hair,” Aniya whined.

  “You were talking shit so that’s what you get and your hair is fine. Let’s go since I’m all slow and shit.”

  That night Gavin and Aniya hit the town. They went to see “Taken 2” on 42nd street after they hit up Dave & Buster’s, where they ate dinner then played games. Being how they were both competitive they had to play many games over because when one lost they felt the other cheated. For dessert they went to Cold Stone Creamery where they shared a bowl of birthday cake remix. Instead of calling it a night and heading home, they ended up in the village at a little hookah spot. There Gavin gave Aniya the gift he brought for her early that day. Aniya was blown at the beautiful earring she started to tear up….

  What I’ve been looking for…

  Saturday morning, Aniya tried to roll out of bed only to be pulled back to Gavin. Wrapping his arms tighter around her waist he whispered in her ear. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “I’m going to get ready.”

  “Ready for what?”

  “I told you that I was going out with your mom today,” Aniya replied.

  “Nah you can’t go. Stay with me, I need you more than she does.” Rolling over he placed himself on top of her locking her in place.

  “Gav…I can’t stand your mom up and I will only be gone for a few hours.”

  “Since you can’t stay let me give you this before you go,” he said leaning closer locking his lips with hers.

  Gavin didn’t let her out of the bed until he pleased her numerous times, by then she was running late. Rushing to take a quick shower, she hopped out, lotion down her body before throwing on a tank top with a cardigan leggings and riding boots. Grabbing a jacket and her purse she kissed Gavin goodbye, took the keys to his Range Rover and headed towards his parents’ house.

  She called Debra when she was close to the house, that way she would be ready once she got there. Pulling up to the house at the same time Debra was walking out the house. After locking the door she got in the car.

  “Hey baby. How are you this morning?” Debra greeted Aniya.

  “I’m fine, sorry I’m late but it’s your sons fault. How are you?”

  “I figured that boy is so spoiled but I can only blame myself. I couldn’t be better; I was really looking forward to today especially spending some time with you.”

  “Me too. Do you want to eat first then go shopping or shop first and eat later?” Aniya asked.

  “I say we eat first than we can shop. Oh maybe in between we can go get our nails done to let our food settle,” Debra suggested.

  “Okay and I’ve been meaning to get a fill in but I haven’t made time so that’s perfect. Do you have a place in mind where you want to go for lunch?” Aniya asked before pulling off.

  “No…you know what I should’ve just cooked for, us” Debra said, shaking her head.

  “But it’s your day off. What about I-hop?”

  “That’s fine baby.”

  During the ride Debra told Aniya about her and Christopher relationship. “We are high school sweet hearts. It was almost love at first sight. The day I walked into my first class and looked his way I was in love. I kid you not it was just something about him, back then he was fine, he stood about six feet with nice caramel skin, but the thing that caught me was his eyes. They were a regular shade of light brown, but something about them drew you in, the moment we locked eyes I knew he was going to be mine. But it wasn’t just me trust and believe he was smitten with me. Once class was over he was by my side and from there the rest was history. Soon after graduating high school we married, we even went to the same college so we wouldn’t have to separate. Baby let me tell you our parents were so mad with our decisions but what could they do? Not a damn thing. Excuse my language but that’s the truth, I had to sit my mom down and tell her that. Once we were finished with school I had my degree and became an elementary school teacher while Chris was a big shot entertainment lawyer. We w
ere settled down living in the house we live in now but the only thing that was missing was kids. We tried many times to have one, but I always miscarried. Not being able to go through the devastating lost again we decided to adopt. It was our best bet. At first we were set on getting a newborn,” Debra spoke.

  Pulling up to I-hop the conversation was put on hold until after they were seated and had ordered.

  “So how did you get Gavin?” Aniya asked.

  “Well after no luck with finding a new born we told the case worker to show us all of our options. The moment I saw the picture of him, I knew he was the child for us. Chris was ok with whatever I decided. When we brought him home he was so shy, he barely said a few words to us. He didn’t even play with any of the little kid toys we brought him. Nothing! He just stayed in one spot paying close attention to his surroundings. Knowing that it was probably tough for him, we took a different approach we were kind loving, patient, and nurturing. A few weeks later that paid off, he came around and we discovered what a bright young boy he was. I thought because he was in foster care he would be behind for his age, but he knew everything expected plus more.”

  “Aww…how did he find out he was adopted?”

  “By the time he turn sixteen, Chris and I had already decided we would tell him and if he wanted to find his real parents we would be there to help and support him. But once again he blew my mind when we told him; he didn’t seem affected at all, I wouldn’t say he didn’t care it just didn’t bother him. He then told us that even though we weren’t his birth parents, we were his family and the only parents he needed. I tell you I cried like a baby. Still I wanted to make sure he was positive so once he turned eighteen I asked him and again I got the same answer.’

  “Every time Gavin talks about you or his father, you can hear the love he has for you. You can see how much he loves you guys also, his whole face lights up. Before I met you, I could tell that you were his world. The bond between the two of you and the share is exactly the same bond me and my mother used to share,” Aniya said.

  “And I love that boy right there, he is my world. I tell you this, the first time he called me mommy was one of the happiest days in my life. I would do any and everything for that boy. I may not have pushed him out of me, but best believe I love him none the less. You cannot tell me that that boy is not my son. You want to know what I noticed?” Debra asked Aniya.