A Dangerous Game of Love Page 6
Aniya’s parent’s death still takes a toll on her to this day; she hoped she would be able to make it through the dinner without losing her cool. She knew this would be slightly uncomfortable for her but this meeting of the family was big to Gavin. He told her he never thought he would find a girl he wanted to introduce to his parents. That changed once he met her. If this would make him happy she was willing to put her feelings aside for the night, just for him.
Walking in the room he saw Aniya sitting on the bed still in her pajamas deep in thought.
“Lil mama…..you good? I can already see you sitting here thinking too much,” he said once he sat down next to her.
“No I’m not, I’m fine. Just trying to see what I’m going to wear.”
“So you’re really going to sit here and try to lie to me?”
“Baby…I’m not lying. I’m serious.”
“Ma, stop it! I know you well enough to know when you’re not being honest with me.”
“Alright, fine Gav! I’m nervous. I don’t want to mess this up; I want things to be perfect. I know how much this means to you, but I can’t help but to feel a way.”
Pulling her close, he rested his chin on top of her head while encircling his arms around her.
“Why ma? Talk to me, why you feel a way?”
“I don’t know Gav, I just do. I can’t help but to think about my parents.
“Aw damn baby, I didn’t think about that. I can cancel dinner, we don’t have to go,” he said remembering what Gio told him.
“No I’ll be okay. I don’t want to disappoint you; I know how much this means to you.”
“You can’t disappoint me! Are you sure though? We really don’t have to go I’ll understand and I know they will too baby.”
“No…no…no I’m fine I promise, we’re going and that’s the end of it! Plus I need to meet the lady who raised my baby,” she said as she looked up to him with a little smile.
Seeing her pucker her lips, he leaned down and kissed her. What should’ve been a short kiss turned in a deep long passionate French kiss. Lying back he pulled her on top of him. Full of desire for each other, they slowly removed each other clothes. He protected himself then pulled her down onto him, sliding into her wet valley.
They let their love making convey their feelings. She sat on top of him matching him stroke for stroke, when he lifted up she slammed her body down, when he pulled out she tighten her walls pulling him back into her. Feeling herself about to climax she yelled out telling him to cum with her, flipping her over he pounded harder, stroked deeper. Letting out an animalistic growl they release at the same time. Shivering they held onto each other trying to catch their breath.
Looking down at her, “Damn ma you be trying to kill a nigga. Shit girl!”
“Shut up…”
“If I didn’t know any better I would think you were trying to tire me out so we didn’t have to go,” he joked.
“Oh please! I should say that to you being how you initiated it.”
Laughing he pulled out of her grabbed her hand and pulled her off the bed.
“C’mon Niy, let’s shower so we can head out soon.”
Discarding the condom into the toilet they jumped in the shower together washing each other but only after they had a round two.
Walking out the door hand in hand, Gavin opened the passenger door for her made sure she was comfortable before he closed the door and went to the driver’s side. During the forty-five minute drive, they chatted about his childhood and what it was like growing up in their care. He told that he had no desire to find his birth parents. They didn’t look for him after giving him away so he didn’t feel the need to ever know them; Mr. and Mrs. Daniels were his parents. He told her that as long as he went to school, kept good grades and didn’t cause too much trouble they gave him whatever he wanted. Of course he acted up while growing up, but he didn’t think he was too bad. She could hear the love in his voice as he spoke about them.
Pulling up in the driveway of the biggest home at the end of the block, she looked around taking in the beauty all around her.
“We’re here,” Gavin announced after he parked. Looking over at her he grabbed her chin turning her to him.
“It’s going to be fine ma, just trust me.”
After she nodded her head he got out and went to her side to let her out. Pulling her up he kissed her lips while telling her to relax.
Gripping his hand as they walked inside she took a deep breath and smiled as they approached his parents standing in the foyer.
“Hey ma…hey pops.”
“Hi baby, come here and give your mother a hug. I missed you so much honey.”
He hugged both his parents then went back next to Aniya.
“Ma…Pops…this is my girlfriend Aniya.”
“Hi Mr. and Mrs. Daniels,” she said shyly.
“No baby, call me Debra or ma, but get over here and give me a hug,” Debra replied as she pulled her into her arms. After she hugged her she was thrown into his father arms.
“You can call me pops!” He told her once he let her go.
“C’mon, let’s go in the dining room, the food is ready,” Debra said as she grabbed Aniya’s hand.
Feeling elated she couldn’t help but to smile, looking back at Gavin, he winked as he followed behind them with his father.
Throwing an arm over his shoulder, “She’s beautiful boy and she looks like a nice young lady. You did good son, I taught you well,” Pops told him.
Entering the room Aniya was blown away by the plethora of food on the table. His mother went all out there was fried chicken, barbeque chicken, stew chicken, baked macaroni & cheese, candy yams, collard green, jerk salmon, fried shrimp, chicken alfredo, yellow rice, corn bread ,and for dessert she made red velvet cake from scratch.
“Wow…you made all of this today? Why so much?” Aniya asked.
Laughing lightly “Of course I made it baby, my guys like to eat and I didn’t know what you liked so I made a little of everything.”
Over the course of dinner Aniya warmed up to his parents, she talked about shopping and fashion with his mom and sports and school with his father. Gavin couldn’t have been happier. Everything was going great until Debra changed the subject and asked Aniya when they were going to meet her parents. Dropping her head she couldn’t come up with an answer as she tried to fight the tears, feeling them about to fall she excused herself to the bathroom and hurriedly ran out the room.
Debra was beyond concern. “Did I say something wrong?” she asked.
“No ma, it’s just her parents are a subject, she doesn’t really talking about them.”
“Why what happened?”
“Deb stop being nosey, young man your woman needs you; go…go make sure she’s okay.”
“Okay pops, I’ll be right back.”
“Take your time son.”
Knocking on the bathroom door, he waited for her to say come in. She was sitting on the edge of the tub crying her eyes out. Rushing to her, he picked her up and walked out to his room. She clung to him, sitting on the bed with her on his lap, he didn’t tell her everything was going to be okay or everything was fine. He just let her cry on his chest while rocking her. Wiping her face with the back of her hand she put her face back in his chest.
“I remember it like it was yesterday, I was on my way home from class, as I got closer two police officers were walking down the stairs as I walked. I asked them was it anything I could do for them since they were leaving my house. One asked me if I knew an Aniya Martinez, I immediately got worried. Even though I was kind of scared I told them that that was me. He asked if we could go inside and talk. I tried to get them to tell me what was going on, he wouldn’t budge he kept saying it was better if we talked inside and not in public.”
Pausing she wiped the tears that continued to fall.
“I was so scared I couldn’t even open the door, my hands were shaking badly. The officer took
the keys outof my hands and let us in. Sitting across from them, the looks on their faces told me I wouldn’t like whatever they were about to tell me. I asked them if I was in trouble. They told me no. I asked if it was something about my parents and he said yes. Thinking the worst, I immediately started crying. I could feel it; my heart told me something had happened. He came and sat next to me while handing me a tissue then told me both my parents were involved in a terrible accident. I jumped up grabbed my keys while yelling at them why they took so long to tell me I could’ve been at the hospital by now. I asked what hospital they we’re in.”
Gavin felt her body shaking, which made him wrap his arms tighter around her.
“It’s okay baby…you don’t have to finish, you getting yourself worked up.”
“I want to…I need to…I need you to understand why it hurts me so much.”
“Okay...” he said warily.
“He grabbed me and pulled me back down. They didn’t say anything at first, but I noticed the looks they gave each other. I yelled and told him he needed to tell me. I screamed and asked where my parents were. Finally one answered me; he told me I didn’t have to go to the hospital because my parents didn’t make it. Then he threw in a stupid sorry for your lost, he didn’t even seem sincere. Both of my parents were gone. I didn’t want to believe it, I told him he was lying, that it wasn’t true. I tried to fight him but the other one pulled me back and explained that they were in a car crash; which killed them on impact. My family left me; I was daddy’s little girl and mommy’s princess. They were ALL I had and I lost them. Only eighteen and there I was all alone. They were my world and I was theirs. It became too much to handle that I blacked. When I woke up Gio and Gia was by my side. I didn’t want to believe it I was in denial for a long time I felt like I was in a bad dream that I couldn’t wake up from, but it was real life. I was so depressed that Gia and Nic practically moved in with me. Gio took care of everything for me. If it wasn’t for them I know I wouldn’t have gotten through. It was the worst time in my life.”
Gavin felt for her, he was hurting for her, he couldn’t imagine going through what she went through. Everything she told him shot straight to his heart, bringing tears to his eyes. Looking up at him she wiped them away.
“I’m sorry I didn’t…”
“Don’t apologize; you have nothing to be sorry for baby. I’m sorry I didn’t know you then. I swear I’m always going to be here for you, I know it still hurts, but you have me. You’re not alone baby girl, right along with Gia Nic and Gio; I’m here for you too. You can talk to me about it, I’m here,” he said while looking into her eyes.
“Every year on their birthdays and the anniversary of their death I always go visit their graves…my mother’s birthday is in a few months, will you come with me?”
“Of course I’ll come. I’m honored you want me to.”
“Thank you baby…thank you so much,” she said as she leaned up to kiss him.
They sat wrapped up in each other arms for a while longer; Aniya went to the bathroom and washed her face while Gavin stood close. He couldn’t leave his baby girl’s side, not even when she used the bathroom he was right there handing her tissue. Taking her hand, he kissed it, asked her if she was okay and she told him yes. He led them back downstairs to his parents. As soon as they sat back down Debra begin to apologize to Aniya while asking if she was okay. Looking at Gavin with a smile, she told her it was okay and she was better than okay now. Seeing the exchange she couldn’t help to smile herself, they picked right back up where they left off, forgetting what happened.
As it got later, Gavin and Aniya started gathering their things to leave and Debra made them to-go containers. Walking to the door Debra pulled Gavin aside while pops walked Aniya to the car.
“Baby I like her…I like her a lot, I can see she’s the one for you. I can see how much you love her, don’t mess this up Gavin, and don’t lose her.”
“I won’t mom and I do love her, I’m glad you and pops approve. I love you ma.”
“I love you too baby, you made us so proud. Go on get going make sure you call me when y’all make it home.”
Getting in the car, they bid his parents’ farewell and headed back to Aniya’s.
After putting the food away and changing into pajamas, Aniya laid on Gavin’s chest slowly drifting off to sleep.
“Niy…” he called up.
Lifting her head up, looking at him she answered.
“I love you lil mama.”
“I love you too Gav.”
Pulling her up his chest he kissed her lips then proceeded to show just how much.
Unwanted Guest…
Coming from a quick lunch date at Crab Shanty, Gavin dropped Aniya back at campus and headed towards his dealership. He hadn't been there in a while and needed to go over paperwork. To be only twenty-seven, Gavin had a lot going for him, money would never be an issue, and he invested many stocks and bonds, and purchased properties. He wasn't the flashy kind of guy that had millions of diamond chains and big houses. He kept it simple when it came to everything except his cars; he was willing to spend a lot of money for his cars. He owned a Benz, a Porsche, and a Range rover, along with three motorcycles. Working in the car dealing business helped a lot too, he was always aware of the new exotic vehicles. Pulling up in front, he got out and handed his keys to his assistant Lloyd who was waiting outside for him. Greeting his employees, he headed back into his office.
Walking in, his eyes immediately zoomed in on the many stacks of papers that awaited him on his desk. Gio left a sticky note telling him that he already signed but he needed him to double check things and make sure everything was up to par before signing. Gavin recalls Gio always telling him, “Four eyes are better than two.” He released a deep sigh, headed towards his mini bar that was in a hidden compartment in the corner of his office. Pouring himself a drink, he sat down and started on the paperwork in front of him.
He didn’t realize how hard he was working until he looked at the clock and saw that hours had passed.
“Mr. Daniels sorry to interrupt you, but you have a visitor,” Lloyd buzzed through.
“How many times do I have to tell you, call me Gavin, Mr. Daniels is my pops. Umm who is it though? I’m not expecting anyone.”
“A Miss. Jayla Crawford is her name.”
Sucking his teeth, “What does she want?”
As he waited for an answer he could tell Jayla was going to piss him off, he felt a headache coming on already.
“She said its personal and she really needs to speak with you. Oh…she also said she’s not leaving until she does.”
This damn bi….
“Send her in. Thanks Lloyd.”
Chugging the rest of his drink he went and poured himself another one, filled to the rim. Hearing the door open, he still stood with his back towards her.
"Why are you here Jayla?"
"I missed you baby...I know you missed me too."
"We're over! What don't you get?"
Brushing him off like she didn’t hear him, she walked over to him and stood behind him rubbing her hands along his back.
Jerking away from her he sent her an evil glare.
"What in the hell do you think you’re doing?" He asked.
“I’m trying to show you...”
He stood in front of her "I'm not going to tell you again! It's OVER! I have a girl now so stop! Stop calling stop texting me, stop showing up unannounced! This is my last time telling you, next time I won't be as nice."
"Fuck that bitch...she can't love you like I can. She can’t do it like I can,” she spat.
She was pushing him, trying to get a rise out of him. He wasn't going to give her the satisfaction.
"Watch your mouth! Matter of fact, get the hell out my office!"
"No?" He asked incredulously
The look on his face, made her pause for a second, but hell she came this far she couldn'
t give up now.
"No I'm not going, not until you tell me what I want to hear. You're mine! You belong to me! What I’m saying is I miss you baby I know you miss me. Call the bitch and tell her you’re coming back home where you belong."
Shaking his head he let out a frustrated snort....
"I'm trying real hard not to disrespect you, but keep it up and I'm going to give you what you want."
"No fuck that, you don't say shit! Listen to me and listen very clearly! We are DONE! I'm not with yo!, I don't want to be with you! No I don’t miss you, I don’t think about you. You’re not even a thought that passes through my mind. You served your purpose its OVER! Stop pushing me Jayla! Stop pushing me before I show you a side you don't want to see."
Grabbing her by the arm he pushed her outside his office door. Before closing the door he told her "Oh and that bitch as you said, she’s doing what you couldn't...keeping me satisfied. Get the fuck out of my building bitch!" He yelled.
Feeling lower than low Jayla kept her head down as she passed the employees and customers, embarrassed because she knew they heard what he said. She rushed to her car and sped out of the lot leaving skid marks.
Her hurt turned to anger. "Who does he think he is talking to me like that? He knows he loves me. That bitch just got his mind clouded and he’s not thinking straight. She will pay for this! I HATE HER, I HATE HER, AND I FUCKING HATE HER! Why did she have to come in the picture and mess everything up?" Jayla screamed while banging on her steering wheel.~~~~~~~
Gavin was sitting in his office telling Gio what happened earlier and Gio was pissing him off because he kept laughing,
"Yo G it's not funny."
"Yes the hell it is! Shorty not trying to let you go, you belong to her," he looked at Gavin and noticed his facial expression and started laughing even harder.
"Nigga get the hell out my office.”
“Nope, you can’t do me like you did shorty, I’m not leaving until I’m ready to leave.”