A Dangerous Game of Love Read online

Page 4

  “Aye, Aniya! Wake up lil mama.”

  Stirring for a few, she slowly opened her eyes to see the prettiest eyes ever. She could never get tired of looking in Gavin’s eyes.

  “You looked all peaceful I didn’t want to wake you, but you’re home ma.”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to fall asleep on you. Oh and I’m not mad or anything either.’

  “It’s cool, no apologies needed and iight that’s what’s good. I thought I ruined shit.”

  “No, no you didn’t…” stopping she just continued to look at.

  Noticing she didn’t finish what she was saying and her staring at him, “What’s wrong lil mama? Why you stop talking?”

  Staring at him for a few seconds she changed her mind on what she was going to do.

  “Nothing, nothing come on walk me to my door,” she said while getting up. Helping her out the car, he held her held with one hand and her food in the other. Puzzled be her mood change,

  “You sure? Everything okay?” he asked.

  “Yes Gavin and everything is fine! Sorry about that I lost my thought. But thank you for today I had a nice time.”

  Once they reached her door she unlocked it and took the bag out his hand.

  “No thanks necessary, I should be thanking you for letting me take you. Hopefully you let me take you again.”

  “If that’s your way of asking me out again, then it’s a yes. I would like to go out with you again.”

  “Iight cool, I’m going to head out but I’ll hit you up later.”

  As he was turning to leave, Aniya grabbed his arm to keep him in place, stood on her tippy toes and place the simplest yet sweetest kiss on his lips. Smiling up at him once she pulled away, she wiped the little bit of lip gloss off his lips.

  “Okay, I’ll see you later,” she said as she walked in her house leaving him standing on her porch. After a couple of minutes of standing in that same spot lost, the sounds of a passing car grabbed his attention. Jogging back to his car, he headed to Gio’s with a clouded mind but a smile on his face……

  You Got to Let It Happen on Its Own…

  Once Gio let him in, Gavin headed straight for the bar in the living room; downing three shots back to back. Sitting on the couch eating the food he brought for him, Gio could already sense something was bothering him just by looking at him. Being around him since forever he knew Gavin was the type to talk about the issue only when he was ready to and trying to force it out would only make things worse. So he sat back eating while he waited. He downed two more shots and went to sit next to Gio. Lost in his thoughts Gavin was unaware of Gio's staring. Trying to break the silence that engulfed the room he spoke up.

  "Yo G, you good son?" he asked Gavin.

  "Yeah…yeah I'm cool, just thinking that's all."

  Everything was running through Gavin's head at that moment; the situation with Jayla and how he needed to cut her off completely, the fact Aniya wasn't trying to let him know what was bothering, and the feelings he started developing for her so soon. A girl has never knocked him out of his element, but that kiss Aniya gave him did just that. It wasn't a deep tongue kissing type of a kiss it was more a sweet and delicate type of kiss but that little kiss did something to him and he couldn't understand it.

  "Let me ask you something," Gavin said.

  "What's up?"

  "What happened to Aniya's parents?"

  "Umm what made you ask that?" Gio asked surprised. He wasn't expecting that, he figured the date didn't go well but that question had him gone. Explaining to him how the conversation went and how Aniya dismissed the subject the first time after only mentioning Gia, Gio, and Nicole as family. Also, how he brought it up again and her eyes said everything her mouth wouldn't.

  "Seeing that hurt and sadness in her eyes did something to me, I knew she was trying not to cry so I changed the subject but what happened to them?"

  "Damn man, look Aniya done went through some shit nothing crazy like being raped but her parents both died in a car crash a couple of years ago. It hit her hard not only did she have to bury her mother but at the same time she had to bury her father. She doesn't have any other family so she was left alone. That's when me, Gia, and Nic basically stepped up and helped her every step of the way. To this day she doesn't talk about it much, but I know she's still bothered by it, so my advice to you would be to avoid the whole subject at least until she's ready to talk to you about it," Gio told him.

  “I get that, but I can’t help but to feel some way. You didn’t see her face the pain on it did something to me. It hit me hard and I honestly don’t know why. I mean I know I’m feeling her or whatever but still. Then what she did when I was leaving.”

  “Wait what she do?” Gio asked.

  “Huh? Nah nothing man. I’m just thinking out loud.”

  ‘Nah, speak up! What the hell happened?”

  “Nothing man!”

  Realizing Gavin wasn’t trying to talk about it no more, he told him to not think about what ever was bothering him and to let nature run its course. Thanking his boy, he got up and headed home. He got out the shower and laid in bed thinking about everything Gio told him. He decided to take Gio’s advice; he had to stop over thinking and let things happen how they were supposed to.


  Since the first date, Gavin made sure to see Aniya up as much as possible. Between running his dealership that he co-owned with Gio and making sure his barbershop and Laundromats ran smoothly, he didn’t have much time to do anything else but he made sure he hit her up every day, even if it was just to say Good morning or Goodnight and to let her know he was thinking about her. A couple of times during the week, he would pick her up from school while she was in between classes and take her out to lunch. He truly admired how she never expected much from him, she was happy with the little conversations and texts. That made him want to do more for her. He would randomly send flowers to her house or give her little gifts whenever they met up. She wasn’t nothing like the chicks he was accustomed to; she was his breath of fresh air when compared to them. Whenever they went out she always offered to pay or leave a tip no matter how many times he told her he would never allow that; that gestured alone let him know she wasn’t after his money. Every day he learned something else about her that made him want her more. He would’ve said his life was sweet, but with Jayla still lingering around he couldn’t. She still blew up his phone. The many unanswered texts, many calls sent to voice mail didn’t deter her. He figured she would’ve gotten the hint on her own but no such luck. It was as if the rejection made her go harder. Sooner or later he was going to have to tell her face to face that it was over. Holding out any longer could mess up his chances with Aniya, he couldn’t afford for that to happen. She was slowly but surely opening up to him. There were times where she didn’t want anything from him but to be held. He didn’t know why but he learned not to question her about it she would tell him eventually. Thinking about her now, put a smile on his face.

  Yeah the Jayla situation would be dealt with…real soon!

  The Closer I Get to You…

  No matter how many times he cut her off he never stayed away for too long, he always came back. She knew about each new chick he started talking to but she never stressed it because they wouldn't be around for long.....but now everything started changing and it wasn't sitting well with her at all. He stopped calling to check on her, her being invited to his house no longer existed. No matter how many times she called texted or left voicemails he wouldn't reply. Even with All the new chicks he met, he still kept in touch with her. Sitting in her bed, she called him for the fifteenth time only for her call to go unanswered. Jayla was beyond vexed with Gavin. That night a couple weeks back after she left BBQ’s she went home showered and changed into a sexy number while waiting for him. She waited for hours, called and texted him so many times she lost count but he never answered nor did he come to get her.

  “Something isn't right, I know it's another chick i
n the picture but what is she doing that I haven't been doing? If he thinks I'm going to just sit here and allow this he has another thing coming. I'm going to get to the bottom of this if it’s the last thing I do and if it is because of someone else he's going to regret leaving me for her,” she spoke out loud to herself.

  “Who you talking to JayJay?” her little sister Kylee asked.

  "No one go back to sleep baby girl," she told her while plotting in her head…

  Gavin and Aniya were in his living room watching the movie Belly. So far things between them was better than good, their relationship had blossomed over the past couple of weeks. They've come a long way from their first date. But even with spending so much time together Aniya was still holding out on sex. No matter how attractive she found him and how horny he made her she still wouldn't give in. Lying on the couch in between his legs, Aniya started thinking

  “Maybe I'm being too hard on him; I want him and I know he wants me I felt the evidence, but I still don't know.”

  She was torn; her conscience told her to hold out longer but the throbbing feeling between her legs said otherwise. Aniya was so deep in thought she didn't realize that the movie went off. Nudging her gently Gavin asked “Aye you good Niy? You didn't even say anything about the ending, what's going on in that big head of yours?”

  “Boy please my head is not big and nothing really.”

  Too shy to bring up the matter at hand she tried to divert the conversation elsewhere.

  “What movie you want to watch now?” She asked while looking up at him. Leaning down he couldn't help himself he had to kiss her.

  “Nah don't even try it lil mama, something got you deep in thought so speak on it,” Gavin said after licking her lips.

  “It’s really nothing, I'm just thinking about us that’s all.”

  “Well I hope it's something good.”

  Smirking, “yeah it's good probably better than good,” she told him.

  “Well if it’s that great why you not trying to let me know?” He questioned.

  “Look I like you, I really like you Gav, to the point where I want to give you all of me but I'm scared, I don't want to get hurt,” she admitted.

  “Listen ma, I know this is all new to you but I'm not pressuring you or rushing you. I told you before I wasn't trying to get into your pants; I can wait until you're ready. Well really, I have no choice but to wait.”

  “Honestly I feel what I don't do another will,” she replied, trying to get him to understand where she was coming from.

  “You can't be thinking like that, I'm here with you aren’t I? I’m not worried about another chick. I could go fuck them hoes, but why downgrade to a gem when I could wait for my diamond,” he said sincerely. Getting up from in between his legs she turned herself around straddling him.

  “Aye what you doing ma?” Gavin asked.

  Not even bothering to answer him she captured his lips with hers. It was like something took over her, everything that was in her head a minute ago disappeared. Her body spoke the answer for her. Kissing him deeply she let her hands run down to the end of his shirt then quickly pulled it over his head. Not trying to be outdone, he gripped her tank top from the collar and ripped it down the middle.

  “Ugh…Mhmmmm,” she moaned.

  Gently pulling her hair he tilted her head back and assaulted her neck with his tongue.

  “Yes! Oh god yes.”

  She cried out. His tongue traveled further down her chest till it got to her C cups. Biting her nipple through the bra wasn't enough.

  “Take this shit off!” He demanded.

  Turned on to the fullest, she quickly unsnapped it and threw it on the floor. Staring at her, he was drowning in her sexiness. Pushing her back on the couch, he had her body at a 90 degree angle with her legs in the air. He started at her feet kissing from the heel to her ankle. Biting her bottom lip while rubbing her breast she watched him skillfully remove her jeans. Slowly dropping to his knees he got in between her legs and just inhaled her scent.

  “Ma you are so fucking sexy,” he told her.

  Rubbing his hands up and down her thighs his lips continued to make their journey; kissing and licking behind her knees then slowly the inside of her thighs. His tongue traveled at a slow place till it met her core.

  “Shit…” she whispered.

  Taking just the tip of his tongue he licked her through her panties.

  “Please...please!” She begged.

  With a devilish smirk he looked up at her, “Please what? Let me hear it, tell me what you want.”

  She bit the corner of her lips.

  “Damn!” Gavin moaned.

  She had no idea how sexy she looked when she did that. Moving her panties to one side; he started rubbing his fingers up and down her wetness, he coached her, “Come on ma, tell me what you want let me here.”

  “Please Gav....”

  "You want me?" He asked.

  “YES!” She practically screamed.

  Gently he pushed one finger in her, “Then say it!”

  Aniya was on the verge of cumin' just from his finger alone.

  “GAVIN...Oh my god! Please don't stop. I NEED you now...I want you to....”

  “Aniya...Aye Niy! ANIYA!” Gavin yelled while shaking her.

  Dazed and confused she responded slowly,

  “Huh? What? What happened?” She asked.

  “You didn't hear me calling you? I've been calling you for like two minutes. Your ass was knocked the fuck out, I was going to leave you alone but then you started moaning and shit like something was wrong. Lil mama you good?”

  “What the fuck,” she whispered.

  It was all a dream? She thought. But with her panties being soaked she could’ve sworn it was real. Touching her body, she noticed she still had her clothes on. “Yeah I'm good; it must've been a bad dream on something,” she told him slightly embarrassed. She could barely look at him.

  “Yeah I think I'm going to go home, I'm beat and I already fell asleep on you once,” she said while getting up and grabbing her things.

  Getting up with her he told her,

  “You know you don't have to go home, you can just sleep here. If you not comfortable enough to sleep with me I have other rooms you can stay in.”

  He hated to admit it but he wanted her with him at all times, the thought of waking up next to her made his dick jump.

  “Yeah I know that, but I'm going to head home, I'll let you know when I get there. Okay Gav?” She said while kissing him goodbye.

  Walking her to the door, he watched her get in her car and pull off. Before turning to go back in the house something caught his eye. Down the block behind a tree he thought he saw Jayla standing there but when he looked again she was gone.

  “Nah it couldn't be I'm bugging.”


  Running back to her car she jumped in and pulled off.

  “I knew it, I fucking knew it. That's why he's not answering me. He got a new bitch! Hell no! He's not leaving me,” she screamed.

  Suddenly she busted a U-turn in the middle of traffic almost causing an accident. She sped back to his house and jumped out. Running up to the door,


  “Open the door Gavin I know you're home!” She yelled.

  Banging on the door for a couple of minutes he finally answered.

  “Fuck you want Jayla? Is you crazy showing up at my house unexpected and banging like you don’t have any got damn sense? Hell is wrong with you?” He asked. Pushing pass him she walk straight into the house.

  “Who is she?” Jayla asked.

  “Who is who?”

  “The bitch I saw! I saw her leave here, so who is she Gavin?”

  “Don’t worry about who she is, that’s not your concern,” Gavin told her.

  “Not my concern? So she's the reason why you’re not answering for me now? Just forget about Jayla huh? I don't matter all of a sudden?” She screamed.

  Sighing, he ran hi
s hands over his waves and down his face.

  “Is that what this is all about? You really popped up over here because of that?”

  “No I came to find out why I'm no longer a factor in your life, you just leave without any kind of explanation I thought you was better than that. I haven't heard from you in weeks. I thought I meant more to you,” she cried.

  “Man I was going to get back to you, I just been caught up,” he stated.

  “Yeah caught up with some new bitch, so I don't matter I don't mean nothing to you no more? Just fuck Jayla?”

  “Look you're over reacting I mean you and I both know you wasn't my girl you was just my people's and I will always have love for you, but what we used to do is done. I found my chick,” Gavin said

  "I'm not your chick? So I was just a fuck?" She asked getting loud.

  "So...me carrying your baby didn't mean anything huh nigga?" Getting in his space she mushed him in his forehead.

  “So that bitch means more than I do? Huh answer me damn it.”

  “Yo don't put you're fucking hands on me and I'm not going to tell you again,” Gavin told her ever so calmly.

  “I told you I got love for you; you're always going to have a spot in my heart. But I'm not checking for you like that. All that yelling and cursing isn’t needed.”

  “FUCK YOU GAVIN! You not going to treat me like that, mark my words you going to pay for trying to play me!” Jayla threaten.

  “Yo......Get the fuck out of my house,” yoking her up, he dragged her to the front door. “Threaten me again and mark my words you’re going to regret it,” he warned. “And lose my number bitch" was the last words she heard before slamming the door in her face.

  Dream No More…