A Dangerous Game of Love Read online

Page 20

“Calm down G, we’re going to take care of this, as a matter of fact go get dressed so we can get this shit started with.”


  Getting up and leaving Gio, Gavin headed upstairs to get showered. As he was standing in the shower letting the water run down his face, he braced himself up by holding onto the shower wall. He closed his eyes and imagined Aniya and her beautiful face. His thoughts went to the moment he first seen her face and her smile; the one that lit up the room. Images of them having sex came in the picture, her love faces always made him weak in his knees. The last image that popped up was the day they broke up, seeing the tears running down her face and her looking so broken crushed his soul. He promised himself that if it was the last thing he did, he would find a reason to bring that beautiful smile back to her face.

  Images of Kendrick caressing her, making love to her, hugging her, kissing her doing everything that he was supposed to be doing popped in his head. His temperature staring rising, as he felt himself getting angry all over again. He quickly washed and rinsed his body before getting out. He had to shake those thoughts before he reacted. Going along with his mood he dressed himself in all black everything, from the head to his feet; a black wife beater, a black hoodie, pair of black jeans and black ACG boots. He grabbed a black snapback before heading back downstairs.

  “Yo you ready?” Gavin asked as he entered the living room, but to his surprise Gio was on the couch knocked out with his hat covering his face.

  “This nigga here,” Gavin spat. He blood was bumping and every minute they lounged around was a minute wasted.

  “Wake that ass up yo, you sitting here sleeping and we got moves to make,” Gavin said as he threw a pillow at Gio, waking him up out of his deep slumber.

  “You shouldn’t be talking; it took ya ass mad long to get ready. I swear you worse than a chick yo. Hell were you doing shaving ya damn or legs or something? A nigga tired and shit and you got me waiting. I been ready but I had to wait for ya slow ass,” Gio smartly replied.

  “Whatever G, let’s roll out.”

  In the car, Gavin went straight to plugging up his iPhone to the system and turned on 50 cent Get Rich or Die Tryin’ album.

  “Where we going to your crib or Nicole’s?”

  “My crib, I think Niya is at Nic’s crib now.”

  “Oh iight cool!” Gavin said before pressing play and turning the volume all the way up…

  The whole time Aniya was at Nicole’s house she felt horrible. She tried to be strong for her best friend but she couldn’t, she couldn’t fathom why someone would do this to Nicole. She never bothered anyone, always kept to herself. Nicole was one of the sweetest people she knew so why someone would do this really puzzled her. So wrapped up in feeling devastated for Nic, she didn’t pay much attention to Kendrick or his attitude. When they were coming from the hospital he didn’t bother to say nothing to her and when she told him she was only going to pick up her car he sucked his teeth at her.

  The moment they pulled up he kept his face turned out the window acting like something was really interesting, Aniya just shook her head and told him she would see him later before exiting. She barely had time to close the door all the way before he sped off. Shaking her head in disgust she got in her car and continued on with her plans. If he wanted to act funny then so be it but she didn’t have time to baby him like he was a child or something.

  She cleaned the entire house from top to bottom, everything was spotless. She used so much bleach that the smell overwhelmed her, she had to open up windows hoping it would air out by the time Nicole came home. While she was changing the sheets on Nicole’s bed she caught herself crying as she saw all the blood and what appeared to be wax, he heart broke as she imagine the torture she was put through. She threw the sheets in the trash, knowing Nic didn’t need a reminder of that horrific night.

  Hearing a car pull up, Aniya raced to the window and just as she suspected it was them pulling up in Gio’s car. She went downstairs to meet Nicole as she entered. The moment their eyes connected both girls broke down but what Aniya didn’t know was that they both was crying for two different reasons. Aniya cried because she felt so bad for Nicole and Nicole cried because Aniya had no idea who this new guy in her life really was and the moment she did her heart would be broken yet again.

  Composing herself Nicole wiped her tears away before telling Aniya, “Niya no more tears, I don’t want to cry anymore. I need you to be strong for me, I need you to be my strength, and I need you to make me forget about this. I see it is if I cry that means I’m broken, that means he broke me and he wins. I can’t let him win.”

  Looking up at her friend, Aniya was in disbelief, here Nicole was, the one who went through the traumatic situation and she was showing so much strength and courage, while she was breaking down and dying inside. She took a deep breath and got herself together. Her friend needed her to be strong for her, she had to be her strength, and she had to be there for Nic the same way she was always there for her.

  “Ok no more tears. Together we will get through this.”

  “Yes we will, but right now I just want to forget about it, I don’t want to talk about it because then I have to relive it. I’m going upstairs to shower, I’ll be down shortly.”

  “Ok whatever you want, just know that when you are ready to talk about it I’ll be here. In the meantime I’ll look in the kitchen and see if I can us something to eat.”

  Sticky Situation…

  Seeing the looks on both Gavin and Gio faces, Gia knew shit was about to hit the fan. She looked towards Gavin who stood in the far corner of the room pacing back and forth; she knew it was only a matter of time before someone felt his fury. Gavin had a good way of disguising his dark side but once it came out it would be like hell trying to putting it away. Not many knew the vicious side of the guys but she did, she knew just how deadly they could get. Kendrick better had said all his Hail Mary’s, his time was coming and it was approaching quickly.

  “Gia pay attention, you’re over there losing focus. I need you to be here all the way. It’s too crucial for mistakes and mishaps. This shit is serious!” Gio said very harshly.

  “Don’t talk to me like I’m a child or something and I know this is serious so I don’t know why you’re telling me that. It’s my two best friends for crying out loud so I KNOW what it is. Of course I’m paying attention you don’t have to worry about that, but I mean damn can I get a minute to digest everything you’re telling me?”

  “My fault for coming at you like that, I just need for everything to go accordingly.”

  “So I basically need to become Niya’s shadow. That’s what you’re saying? You don’t think she or he will think things?”

  Gio was about to answer but Gavin beat him to it.

  “Fuck what he thinks, he better think as much as he can while he still can. Niy won’t think anything though. Just tell her you want to be close to her or something. Shit Nic is about to start staying with y’all so make her come over here as much as possible that’s all. You know, knowing Niy you probably won’t have to ask because she’s going want to be around Nicole all the time because of what happened.”

  “True…but what you mean Nic is staying with us?”

  This time Gavin decided to remain mute and let G fill his sister in, “The whole time at the hospital I noticed how Kendrick kept staring at her all crazy. At first I didn’t think anything of it, thought maybe he was just freaked out shorty got raped or something but now I know why. I don’t want to take any chances so she’s going to stay with us but I don’t want Niya to know yet, I don’t need her to slip up and tell him. If the way I’m thinking is correct, I need for him to think Nic is still staying at her house.”

  Gia pieced together everything her brother wasn’t saying; she read in between the lines.

  “You still got that gun I gave you?” Gio asked.

  “Yeah it’s upstairs in my room.”

  “Good, keep it on you at all times even
when I’m around. It’s better to be safe than sorry.”

  Sighing this was all becoming too much, but she knew it was necessary. She nodded her head yes.

  “We need to go fill Nic in but I know Niy isn’t leaving her side anytime soon, we got to find a way around her.” Gavin stated.

  “Leave that to me, I’ll get her away from Nic for a few. I’m going to head over there now; I’ll text y’all when it’s clear for y’all to go.”

  “Iight cool. Be careful and bring that with you too. Let me know when you get there.” Gio said.

  “I will big bro, you don’t have to worry.” Gia assured him with a smile….

  To the guys it felt like they waited forever until they got that text from Gio telling them that she and Niya had left. Somehow she convinced Aniya to go with her to the mall to pick up new bedding for Nicole. Aniya only agreed after Gia told her Gio was on his way to keep Nicole company.

  Convincing Nicole wasn’t as hard as they thought it was going to be. She told them that she didn’t feel safe staying alone so she was planning on going to Florida to be closer to her father. Knowing how Gia and Aniya would react to Nicole leaving Gio thought that they couldn’t have come to her at a better time. They had her go upstairs to pack a couple of bags so they could already have it in the car by the time the girls got back. Nicole was all for keeping Aniya in the dark about Kendrick, at least until they had more proof. Even though she saw and heard it herself, Nicole was still partially in denial maybe it was the fact that he wasn’t a stranger he was someone she knew. After she packed a couple of bags she gave them to the guys to put in the trunk minus the overnight bag.

  Nicole left the guys chilling in the living room and headed back upstairs into her bedroom for some much need space. She just needed a minute to herself, to not think about what happened, to not have to see the pity on people faces, to be where things were normal. She just needed a minute to breathe. She sat in the window seal looking outside while having a talk with God asking him to give her the strength to get through each passing day and to somehow bring the truth to light.

  Gio stood in the doorway staring at her, he had come upstairs to check on her but could tell now wasn’t the time. He was about to walk away but she called out to him, telling him to come in.

  “You know you didn’t have to stand there, you could’ve come in.”

  “I didn’t want to interrupt; you looked like you were having a moment,” he said once he went and sat next to her.

  “You didn’t, where’s Gavin?”

  “He left, you know him and Niya aren’t the best of friends. He didn’t want to make it even more uncomfortable so he left. You sure you ok though?”

  “Yeah I’m ok; I just want to forget about it or try not to think about it. I can’t say thank you enough, but thank you Giovanni.”

  “No thanks necessary but best believe and take my word when I tell you I’m going to take of this. I promise you that,” Gio said.

  So close…but still not close enough…

  So far keeping Aniya in the dark was going well, whenever she asked Nicole where she was she would always say on her way to Gia’s house, even though she was already there. The first night they all stayed at Gio’s house and the next day Aniya went back to her house but she was always calling and checking on Nicole. She did it so much Nicole had to tell her to stop calling, that she was stronger than she gave her credit for. Aniya took the suggestion and backed off….a little. The relationship between her and Kendrick became strained, it was like she was no longer a priority. She experienced these same side effects with Gavin, she wasn’t about to go through this with Kendrick. Kendrick told her that work got hectic and tried to assure her he wasn’t deceiving her.

  What she nor Kendrick knew was that the guys had started keep tabs on him, for the past few weeks they would follow him whenever he left the house in the night, but that never got the result they needed. A couple of times Gavin was ready to follow him onto a dark road and pull up next to the car and just shoot his lights out, but that wouldn’t be the smart way to handle it. The fact that Kendrick had Aniya at his side when she was really supposed to be next to him is what triggered the hate for him.

  One night the guys had followed Kendrick and Aniya back from having dinner, all the way back to Kendrick’s place. They were going to leave but something told Gio to stay put. In the end it paid off because a couple hours later, a little after one am, they seen Kendrick dressed in all black attire leaving his house. They waited a minute or two before following behind his car. Driving on the highway he signaled his blinker indicating he was getting off at the next exit, which was the exit that lead to Nicole’s house. Driving some more they followed him until they he turned onto Nicole’s block. Just like I thought, Gio said to himself as he pulled over at the empty spot on the corner.

  Looking over in Gavin’s direction he told him, “He’s up to something I can feel it.”

  “Word…but I’m ready for him,” Gavin replied as he pulled his gun from his waist and cocked it.

  They waited for Kendrick to get out of the car but that never happened. Even after almost five minutes he remained in the park car. Something wasn’t right, could this had been a set up? “G…yo what the hell is he doing?” Gavin impatiently asked.

  “I don’t know but I know he couldn’t have caught on to us because I kept my distance so I really don’t know why he’s still sitting in the car. Maybe he’s having second thoughts or something.”

  A few parked cars ahead, Kendrick sat with his head thrown back as he jerked himself into ecstasy. Her image never left his mind from the last time he seen her. The images of her naked body covered in wax made his dick harden even more. Normally after he had one victim he was done with them and it was on to the next one, but this girl was different. He wanted just one more sample of her, he needed it…after he would put her lights eyes.

  He had been ready to get outta the car but Aniya had called him stopping him in process. She had questioned his whereabouts and why he wasn’t home, lying to her he told her he had a taste for something sweet and was on his way back now.

  Letting out a deep sigh, he begin to jerk faster as his climax begin building. Letting out a deep cry he let loose on his open thighs and lightly on the seat and instead of cleaning it up he began rubbing it in on his thighs as if it was lotion. The little that spilled on to the seats he wiped it up with his hands and rubbed it in against his face. With a crazed like smile he started the car then pulled off. All the while thinking, we will meet again darling…I’m sure of it.

  “Yo what the hell? Why is he leaving instead of going inside of the house? What’s really good with this nigga?”

  “I don’t know G, just calm down I’m going to follow him, maybe he has someone else in mind,” Gio responded as he slowly followed behind Kendrick.

  Gavin sat in his seat fuming as he bit the inside of his cheek. If you asked him, Gio was going about this all wrong, they had the perfect opportunity to pull up right beside the car and blow his brains out. He tried to get Gio to see where he was coming from but Gio told him that would be too sloppy. Not only would they leave the body in the car to be found, they didn’t know who saw them on the block. Even if it was late there could always be that one witness who seen everything. That was a chance he wasn’t willing to take, he continued to tell him that patience was a virtue. The right opportunity would present itself they just had to let it.

  Kendrick pulled into a 24hour gas station while the guys waited at the corner for him. All they could do was shake their heads, it was as if they were on a wild goose chase. Figuring out his way of thinking seem to be more difficult then what they assumed. Noticing him walking back to his car they perked up and got ready to continue following him. In the end, they ended up back on Kendrick’s block watching him walk back inside his house. Saying they was pissed off would be cutting it lightly.

  “This was a waste of my time I swear, this following this nigga is for the birds. I sa
y we just cap him and be there for Niy as she’s grieving. Honestly what did we find out from tonight? Nothing…not a got damn thing,” Gavin irritably voiced.

  Ignoring the part about killing him Gio told him, “I don’t even know, it doesn’t make sense at all. I thought for sure since he went to Nicole’s block he would do something. That might be my fault though, I see with him I got to stop thinking regularly and start thinking out the box. This nigga is crazy and that’s for sure. I’m going to have one of the lil homies on patrol, he’s going to sit and watch him. I’ll be sure to let him know that if he sees something to call us, but we out.”

  Houston….we have a problem!

  Their opportunity finally came about two weeks later. They had the lil homie Corey assigned to keeping tabs on Kendrick. On a late night he gave Gavin a call when he saw Kendrick on the move. At first Gavin was skeptical because of what took place the last time, so he basically brushed it off, until Corey told him that he was on the block he warned him about and was walking into the yard of the house he was shown.

  Gavin begin to rip Corey a new ass for calling him so late, even though he himself told Cory not to call him unless he was actually doing something incriminating, but why in the hell did he wait for him to go in the house?

  “Keep your eyes on him. Do not let him out of your sight either. If you have to shoot him to stop him from leaving then so be it. We’ll be there in like ten minutes,” Gavin yelled into the phone. He didn’t bother to wait for a response he just hung up.

  Gio heard Gavin’s end of the conversation, he knew what was going on without having to be told. He started packing away the money they were counting before they got the phone call. Once the money was securely in the safe, they grabbed their guns, ran to the car and hit the road. Speeding down the highway as if they were on a high speed chance, thankfully no cops were in sight.