A Dangerous Game of Love Read online

Page 18

  She was getting ready to get down on her knees but he stopped her telling her that tonight he was catering to her. Standing up to where he toward over her, he turned her around and unzipped the cat suit and slowly begin to roll it down her body. As the piece of clothing rolled down her body his lips followed suite, placing kisses all over her exposed body. Behind her on his knees he bent her over to wear she was touching her toes and he was face to face with her ripe ass. He planted a soft kiss on it before pulling her soaked thong down, spreading her cheeks he attacked her pussy from the back. Licking and nibbling away at her exposed core.

  She let out a cat light screamed as his mouth locked onto to her swollen clit.


  Slurp….slurp…slurp… was all you heard from Kaiden. Right before he brought her to a knee weakening orgasm he turned her around and placed both her legs onto his shoulders.

  “Sssss….yes, baby….yes!!!! Damn I missed this,” Gia cried out. Once he felt her legs start shaking he laid her on the bed and quickly stripped off his clothes before thrusting deeply into her.

  “Fuck!!!!!!!!” His baby girl was so wet and tight, she had him wanting to explode already. Being the guy he was he knew he couldn’t go out like that, he quickly got himself together and being making up for lost time. Placing her legs on his shoulders, he felt her nails scratching his back indicating he was doing the damn thing. Feeling her walls gipping him tighter he knew she was on her way to climax, he begin to thrust harder inside of her intensifying her climax.

  “Fuckkkkkkkkk!!!!!” Gia screamed out as she let go, but he didn’t stop there, they went at it round for round until he felt she had enough. By the time they were finished the sun had come up, looking down at Gia who was snuggled up in his arms lightly snoring in a deep sleep, he knew this was who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

  Leaving her once again later that day was going to be hard but at least he would be going back overseas with a fiancé and not a girlfriend.

  Later that day was a sad one for both of them, no matter how strong she tried to be she couldn’t stop the tears from falling as they stood in the airport waiting for him to board his plane.

  “Baby girl I need for you to stop crying, you told me you would be strong, you know I hate to see you cry.”

  “I know and I’m sorry but I can’t help it, I don’t want to see you go,” Gia pouted.

  “You know I don’t want to leave you, but I have to. Look at it like this the sooner I go back the sooner I can come back home to you.”

  “Flight 488 is now boarding, again flight 488 is now boarding…”

  Hearing his flight being called he pulled Gia close and whispered in her ear expressing how much he loved her before kissing her lips once more.

  “No tears right?” he asked after they came up for air.

  “No tears…”

  “I love you…I love you Gianni Jones!”

  “I love you more Kaiden Jones.”

  Placing another soft kiss on her lips before he slowly let her go and picked up his bag, “I’ll Skype you once I land ok?”

  “Ok…I love you,” Gia sadly stated.

  “I know and just remember how much I love you…”

  Be aware at ALL times…

  He stood in the shadows of the dark alley watching the young lady unlocking her house door. A quarter past two am, tired and exhausted from working the late shift at her job, she wasn't paying much attention to her surroundings. Soon as she opened the door he came behind her and pressed a knife to her neck while covering her mouth.

  "If you scream I will kill you, if you try to run I will kill you. Do you understand me?" He whispered.

  Scared out of her mind all she could do was nod her head.

  "Walk, lead me to your bedroom!"

  Pushing her into the house and closing the house door he let her lead the way to her room. Crying and shivering she asked, “What do you want? I don't have any money!"

  Just staring at her he said nothing. Her fear is what thrilled him, her tears turned him on.

  "Take off your clothes…do it…now! Don't say a word," he demanded.

  “But I....."

  So swiftly he stood in front of her with his hand wrapped in her hair pulling her head back and holding the knife at her throat.

  "Didn't I just say do not make a sound?" Tears seeped out of her eyes slowly falling onto her face.

  Running the knife down her chest he begins popping away the buttons off her dress. Never speaking a word to her he roughly rips the dress right off of her and pushes her onto the bed.

  "No…no, please no, stop, get off of me, somebody help me," screamed the girl while struggling to fight him off.

  Her cries out for help drove him wild, he felt himself about to bust so he quickly manhandled her to the point he had her laid face down on her stomach.

  Quickly taking out his penis he shoved into her with no remorse what so ever.

  Over and over, he brutally raped her until he felt he had enough…

  Even though it was never announced they were officially a couple, with as much time they were spending together Kendrick had it in his that they were and would continue thinking that until Aniya told him otherwise. Lying in bed together Kendrick and Aniya were cuddling while watching the news. "Good morning America, we have a breaking story; this morning around nine am police were called to the home of a young lady. Police are not willing to release the name as of yet. Reportedly this lady was brutally raped multiple times and left for dead. I am hearing that the young girl is listed in the ICU. This is the second victim that has been raped in the past four months. No witnesses or suspects but police feel that they are all connected. Police are asking that if you have any information to please call the hotline 1-800-555-9888. Laurie; back to you!" Cutting the television off, Aniya sat up on the bed.

  "Oh my God that's horrible, I feel so bad for her and now she's clinging to life because some sick pervert wanted to rape her."

  "Yeah, babe that's terrible, but anyways are you going to get up and cook your man breakfast because I'm starving," he stated brushing the topic off.

  "Really Kenny? You are so insensitive like." Sucking her teeth she started to get off the bed.

  "Nah pretty lady come here, I didn't mean it like that. I'm just saying it’s awful but....what I'm saying is it’s not you, so why should I care. I would never let someone come and do that to you boo. That nigga would no longer be on this earth."

  Kissing her and pulling her close, he continued, "You never have to worry I'm always going to be here to protect you babe."

  "Awe, Kenny you always know what to say to make a girl feel special," she gushed. "Let me go make you ya breakfast now," kissing his lips once more as she got out of the bed. "Damn, that was close; I got to watch what I say...." Kenny thought after he was left alone.


  The incident that happened at Gia’s party was a thing of the past, once Aniya got to Kendrick’s house that night it was forgotten, she didn’t bother telling him about it either. She made sure to avoid Gavin at all times, if she was going to Gia’s house she would call ahead of time and make sure he wasn’t over there. As much as she hated him she still loved him and that’s what pissed her off the most, but she wasn’t dwelling on her feelings for him anymore. To her it was better to forgive and forget then to burden herself with feeling a way about it. As much as she wanted to stomp a mud hole in Jayla she never ran into her again.

  She and Kendrick had finally had sex a couple nights after and much to her surprise he wasn’t all that good but he did please her. She really enjoyed spending time with him, since school was out she spent most of her time with him or with the girls.

  The girls went on their all-expense paid vacation on Gio’s behalf and had the time of their lives. At first she thought she would feel some kind of because that was her and Gavin’s spot but she enjoyed herself. Once again when it was time to leave Aniya didn’t want to go, she had fell i
n love with the scenery, but she knew it was time to go.

  Stepping off the plane…it was back to the regular life in NYC…

  “Oh I hope you didn’t think I forgot”- Anonymous

  The Games Continues….

  Outgoing text message: I have another job….

  10 minutes later…

  Incoming text message: Okay…just say the word!

  Outgoing text message: Make it melt…. Picture is attached.

  5 minutes later…

  Outgoing text message: Did you get it?

  10 minutes later…

  Outgoing text message: I sent it again… I NEED you to handle this

  Incoming text message: Got it!

  Close to home…

  Stalking her like a predator stalks his prey; he sat in his rental car waiting till the right moment to execute his attack. A couple of feet away, Nicole was standing outside her apartment by Gia's car talking to her and Aniya.

  "Alright…if I must say so myself, this night was everything and more," Nicole told them.

  "Yes it was, we need to have margaritas and girl talk more often. Same time next week but at my place instead?" Aniya asked

  "If liquor and food is involved count me in, I'm there!" Gia exclaimed

  "We know," laughed the other two.

  "But I'm tipsy and beat I'm about to call it a night, so here's where I say farewell," Nicole yawned.

  "And that's her way of nicely telling us it's time for us to go, we don't got to go home but we got to get the hell up out of here," stated Gia

  Laughing, "Yup you ain’t never lied," Aniya agreed

  "Oh please, but make sure y'all text me when y'all reach home. Goodnight love y'all my sisters," replied Nicole.

  Starting her car Gia and Aniya returned the goodnight and the “I love you’s”...

  Nicole walked into her house and locked the door. That was his cue; he got out of the car and crept down to her house....

  Meanwhile Nicole was upstairs getting undressed, with nothing but her bra and panties on she climbed into bed and was out like a light within a couple of minutes. Instead of trying the front door he walked to the back of her house so he wouldn't draw attention. Carefully walking through the backyard he made it to the back door without making any noise. Pulling out a couple tools he picked the lock on the door. "That was easier than I thought," he said to himself as he looked at his watch and noticed it took him less than two minutes. Slowly walking through the kitchen he grabbed a large steak knife and tucked it into the book bag he was carrying. Making his way to the front of the house he found the stairs and proceeded to Nicole's bedroom. Slowly pushing the door open, he watched her sleep. She looked so peaceful almost childlike, her innocence made his dick harden. He walked to the bed and started pulling out several items; handcuffs, a long rope, the knife, Vaseline, face mask and a candle. Putting the face mask on, he picked up the handcuffs and quickly cuffed her to the bed posts. Nicole was so out of it she barely moved. Next he tied her feet spread apart to the bottom of the bed with the rope. Then taking the candle he grabbed a lighter out of his pocket, once the candle started to melt; he poured it onto Nicole’s body. Waking her out of her sleep.

  "Ahhhhh, oh my God what the fuck," Nicole screamed out. She tried to jump out the bed, only to be held back from the restraints.

  "No please stop, someone help me! Oh My God help me!" she cried out.

  He continued to just stare at her while letting the wax drip onto her legs. Taking the knife he placed it against her throat,

  "Shut the fuck up before I make it worst!" he spoke barely above a whisper.

  Scared to death she just nodded her head while the tears cascaded down her face.

  "Now that's a good girl, just do as I say and everything will be okay!" Leaning over her he held himself above her with his weight resting on his arms. Afraid with what he was about to do she turned her head and shut her eyes.

  "There's no reason to be afraid my pretty lady I just want to have a little fun. I promise you're going to like it. Now open your eyes and look at me before you make me mad."

  He started sucking on her shoulders roughly, struggling to get him off her his face mask raised a little revealing a tattoo of a skull with a snake going through it with the initials A.M underneath it.

  "No please stop, it hurts please just stop," Nicole pleaded.

  Her talking angered him, all of a sudden he flipped.

  "Didn't I tell you to shut the fuck up? Why didn't you fucking listen?” the guy yelled.

  Using the knife, he cut her bra and panties off in a matter of seconds.

  Shivering, "No wait I'm sorry, I'm sorry please I won't say anything else," Nicole tried to reason.

  He just ignored her while he stood unzipping his pants. Climbing onto the bed he watched her struggle. Keeping his voice low he said

  "Struggle all you want, but you’re stuck."

  Positioning himself, his dick was at the entryway to her pussy but he had second thoughts. Glancing at the Vaseline he told her

  "See if you would've followed directions I would of took care of you, but you've been a very bad girl so I have to punish you."

  With that being said he rammed his dick in her ass, no lubricant or anything.

  Screaming out "ahhhhhhhhhh oh my god please stop it hurts it hurts!!! No stop," she begged.

  "That's right let daddy know he's doing a good job," the man said sadistically.

  Over and over he took his dick out then rammed it back in. Seeing the blood gush onto the bed was like an aphrodisiac to him. Her body would only allow so much, sometime during his torture she passed out.

  When she awoke hours later he was gone and she found herself in the bath tub covered in candle wax bite marks and blood. Slowly coming to, she remembered what happened and burst into tears. She stayed in the bath tub crying her soul out until she couldn't cry no more. Finally she crawled out the tub into her room; grabbing the phone off her night table she dialed 911.

  "911...what is your emergency?" the operator asked.

  Not able to get a word out she broke down on the phone.

  "Hello? I can't hear you speak up what's your emergency. Are you hurt?"

  "Yes..." she whispered.

  "Where are you hurt?"

  ....whimpering and loud sobs.

  The lady started tracking the phone call to pinpoint the location where the call was coming from.

  "I'm going to send someone to your house ok?"

  "Do you need medical attention?" she then asked Nicole.

  Silence......."Yes please hurry," Nicole cried.

  "They're on their way just stay on the phone with me."

  Nicole didn't realize how much time had passed but when the operator told her the police were at her door it had to be at least ten minutes later.

  Knock knock....Ding Dong Ding Dong

  "Ma'am the police and EMT are outside do you think you can open the door for them?"

  Sobbing Nicole answered "No...There’s a key taped under the mailbox."

  "Okay hold on ma'am."

  She heard the operator repeat what she told her.

  The police searched the premises and found her in the bedroom. After they cleared the house for intruders they let the EMT's come upstairs and assist her. Seeing her body badly bruised they put her on a gurney and proceeded to take her to the hospital. After what seemed like a million test including a rape kit, the police tried to question her but doctors felt it was best she rested.

  "Ms. Walker, here's my card if you remember anything before we come back please give us a call," the detective told her.

  Holding her head down willing herself not to cry Nicole told them "ok."

  Once they left she cried while trying to forget everything that happened that night until she fell into a deep slumber.

  Everything done in the dark…

  Waking up later that day, Nicole’s body was sore from head to toe. She didn’t need to remove the covers to see what her body
looked like; she could imagine the bruises all over her body. Focusing she looked around the room and noticed she wasn’t alone; Aniya and Gia were passed out in chairs right next to the bed and Gio was sprawled out on the little couch by the door. Feeling someone staring, she turned her head in the direction and finally noticed Kendrick sitting in the window seal. He didn’t say anything, just continued to stare at her intensely, with a weird expression on his face.

  Before she could ask what the problem was, a noise came from the side of the bed. Looking at him once more she turned her head and noticed Aniya was up. She rushed to her side immediately.

  “Oh my God, Nic…are you okay? We got here as soon as we could. The nursed called me and I called Gia. You were sleeping so peacefully we didn’t want to wake you. I’m so sorry this happened to you honey, we weren’t there to protect you,” Aniya said all within one breath, she now had tears cascading down her face.

  Seeing her best friend crying made Nicole start crying. She didn’t want to, but she couldn’t help it. Hearing the cries woke Gia and Gio out of their sleep. Seeing her best friends in tears, Gia climbed into the bed and began crying herself. No words needed to be said. The girls felt Nicole’s pain as if it was their own, the bond between the three was much more than friends they were sisters. Whenever one hurt they all hurt, when one went through something they all did.