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A Dangerous Game of Love Page 16

  Forever Yours…

  Gia’s birthday was approaching fast and everyone wanted to do something nice for her. Gio was known for doing something over the top for her everyone year, like a couple years back he flew Gia along with Aniya and Nicole to California for the weekend. He booked a penthouse suite for them and let them roam the streets. On her actual birthday he took them to Rodeo Drive and told them to shop their hearts out. Any and everything they wanted from off that street they could get.

  They figured that together they could come up with something great. On one of the days that Gia had class but Aniya didn’t she met up with Gio at their house to figure out what they were going to do.

  “So Niya what you trying to do for her?” Gio asked, as they were sitting in the living room.

  “Umm, how about we have a party or something. Maybe at Lucky Strikes since she loves to bowl. We can rent out the VIP room, and have an actual party or whatever.”

  “That sounds hot but forget just the VIP room, we can rent out the entire building. We need something else because that’s still kind of small to me.”

  “Oh excuse me Mr. Big shot, what else you have in mind then?”

  “I was thinking about sending y’all on another vacation. I would come but then Gavin would had to come and I don’t know how you feel about it,” Gio said intentionally mention Gavin.

  “Yeah keep it with just the girls. Where you trying to send us or you want me pick?”

  “Uhhh…you can pick, wherever y’all want to go it doesn’t matter.”

  “So we can go to Montego Bay, they’re going to love it just as much as I did. I was supposed to go back but I won’t get into all of that,” Aniya told him as she rolled her eyes.

  “Ok I need you to keep it real with me for a second. Are you really done with Gavin?”

  “I’ve moved on…I have a new guy in my life so I’m not thinking about Gavin.”

  “New guy huh?” he asked with a raised eyebrow. “And you didn’t answer my question.”

  “Yup a new guy…I’ve moved on.”

  “So when do I get to meet this new guy that you moved on with and you still never answered me ma. You are not slick, stop avoiding the question and just answer….unless you can’t.”

  “I’ll bring him to Gia’s celebration and why does it matter? I got someone new, Gav…Gavin has someone new so it is what it is. Now back to the matter at hand.”

  “You and G are bad liars, I’m going to say this and then I’m going to leave it alone. Just know that I know that y’all are not done, y’all will be back together sooner than later so I hope this new guy of yours don’t get too attached but like you said back to the matter at hand. I’m going to give you my card and you use it to pay for everything. Do whatever you got to do to make it over the top and book y’all flights and hotel. Stay for like a week,” Gio said while handing Aniya his credit card.

  “You do know I have money too right? I can pay for some of this stuff.”

  “Chill Niya just do it, save ya money and use it to buy her a gift or something.”


  Ding Dong….Ding Dong….

  Hearing the door shook Aniya for some reason. Nine times outta ten she knew who it was ringing the doorbell...

  “Umm…who is that?” she nervously asked.

  “I think it’s Gavin and before you wild out on me I had forgot he was coming.”

  So it was him…

  “Yeah whatever and I guess all of a sudden you remembered? I’m leaving!”

  “That’s real and umm since you leaving you’re going to let him in right?”

  “Ugh…you will pay for this….” A glim was in Aniya’s eye as she remembered. “You did just give me ya credit card remember? Hahaha that will be enough! Bye ugly!” Aniya said as she rushed off.

  She took a deep breath before opening the door and was about to walk right pass Gavin but he blocked the door with his arms.

  “Where’s the fire lil mama, why you rushing for?”

  “Move Gavin, I don’t have time for ya games.”

  “What games? I’m just trying to check on my shorty.”

  “Well, why are you talking to me then, because I’m damn sure not ya shorty, you better go find the chick you’ve been sleeping with? Now move!” Aniya said as she used all her strength to push him outta the way and almost ran to her car.

  “You’re going to get tired of running one day and actually let me explain,” he yelled out to her.

  Sitting in her car, Aniya tried to calm her nerves. It was like whenever she was in his presence she always got chills in her body and when he called her lil mama her heat would begin to race. Why couldn’t she shake him? It was as if not only was he in her heart but he was embedded in her DNA too. Once she calmed her nerves she drove off to meet Kendrick for lunch.


  When Gavin walked into the house he was met by Gio who asked, “Well??”

  “Man she still won’t even talk to me never mind listen to me. The way she rushed away from me, you would’ve thought I had a disease or something. She pissing me off.”

  “Well make her listen to you then, but you might be too late because she was talking about she moved on and shit.”

  “Yeah I met that nigga, but fuck him. Niy just playing games there’s no way she got over me and she really into him.”

  “When in the hell did you meet him? She talking about she’s bringing him to Gia’s party,” Gio said.

  “When I popped up at her crib, I was trying to get her to talk to me but that nigga was blocking. She’s bringing him huh? Iight I see how she’s playing.”

  Seeing the wheels turning in Gavin’s head Gio asked, “What are you over there planning?”

  “Nothing man…let’s go we got business to handle.”

  A Business woman…

  Being how Kendrick didn’t have to work he decided to leave his car parked at the restaurant and ride with Aniya. She wanted to talk to the manager in person instead of talking over the phone so they made their way to Lucky Strikes.

  Walking into the facility she was greeted by a hostess but Aniya told her right away that she wanted to speak with the manager. Noting the face, the hostess made sure nothing was wrong. Once the manager heard she was interested in renting out the entire building he brought her upstairs to his office to discuss business.

  A week from today, they would shut down the entire building off to the public, for an invitation only extravaganza. They would have different floors for bowling and the top floor which would normally be the VIP would be turned into the party room with a fully stocked open bar and live deejay. Light food would also be served. He told her he could have a cake made for the birthday girl also but Aniya told him she had someone else in mind.

  Kendrick sat back in awe listening to the way Aniya handled herself. She threw out counter offers every time the manager would throw out a price she didn’t like. They negotiated back and forth until they both agreed on a price. A contract was drawn up and given to Aniya to go over. Only after she was satisfied with everything she signed it and handed him Gio’s credit card.


  On the way back to Kendrick’s car Aniya had him drive to allow her to make a few phone calls. The first one was to Gavin’s mother; Mrs. Debra. Even though she and Gavin weren’t together anymore Debra was still a part of her life. A couple weeks after the breakup Aniya received a phone from her reminding her of their girls’ days out since they hadn’t been on one in a while, but Aniya had to break the news to her that her and her son weren’t together anymore. Debra basically brushed Aniya off, asking her why was she telling her that. It didn’t matter if they weren’t together because Aniya was more than Gavin’s girlfriend she had become a daughter to her. She then went on telling her how she expected to see her the following day. Before they got off the phone she left Aniya with words of wisdom telling her; even the strongest relationships are put through obstacles but it’s up to the people in it to get
through them together.

  Once she knew it was no love lost between them, she made it her duty to keep in contact with Debra.

  Aniya talked to Debra on the phone about everything, catching up on what’s been going on. She was so caught up in the conversation that she almost forgot why she called in the first place.

  “Oh yeah before I let you go I have a big favor to ask you.”

  “What is it baby?”

  “I was wondering if you could make Gia’s birthday cake for her. I could’ve got a bakery to make it but I knew there was no one who could bake better than you.”

  “Flattery gets you everywhere but sure I’ll make it when do you need it?”

  “Next week.”

  “Ok that’s fine just come over here maybe tomorrow and we can go over how you want it.”

  “Ok and thank you so much.”

  “You’re more than welcome, I’ll see you then sweetie.”

  “Ok and I’ll call you before I come.”

  “Ok,” Debra replied before hanging up…

  Instead of calling Nicole she just sent her text telling her that she was coming to pick her up in a few so they could go shopping for the party décor. Nicole responded telling her she would be ready. Next she called a travel agent to find reasonable tickets and hotel packages for their girls’ vacation.

  When they finally pulled up next to Kendrick’s car, Aniya apologized over and over for not giving him attention, but he told her he understood that she had business to handle. He told her she could make it up to him later by staying the night with him, which she agreed to. Right before he exited the car he pulled Aniya in close and hit her with a mind blowing kiss that left her with her tongue hanging out her mouth. Getting in his car he rolled down his windows and told her there was more where that came from tonight. Licking her lips, she told him she was looking forward to it….

  Picking Nicole up, she filled her in on what her and Gio had come up with as they headed to an upscale party decorations store called Posh Décor. Since they knew Gia like the back of their hand, picking out everything she liked was easy. They wanted to go all out but still keep it age appropriate so the decorations were kept simple. When they were finished, they went to Neiman Marcus to pick out her birthday gift.

  By the time Aniya arrived at Kendrick’s she was beyond beat, she was glad she got everything done but it took everything outta her. Before getting there she had to drop Nic back at home, go to her house to store the decorations, shower and change into a new outfit, then pack a change of clothes for tomorrow. He greeted her at the door and right off back he could tell she was tired by the look on her face. He took her bag, ushered her upstairs, gave her a shirt to sleep in and told her to stay put while he went to bring her dinner upstairs. She barely made it through her plate without dozing off, once she had enough she put it on the nightstand. The moment her head came in contact with the pillow she was out like a light, leaving Kendrick wide awake staring down at her before he took her dishes downstairs to the kitchen….

  Lights, Camera…Action!

  Keeping Gia in the dark about the surprise celebration didn’t go as planned, somehow she got wind of it as the flyers were being passed around campus. The moment she found out she went straight to the culprits and told them off before demanding they tell her everything about what they had planned for her. Gio had no problem in telling her about the party because he still had one secret that was sure to blow her mind that no one knew about, not even Aniya, Nicole, or Gavin.

  The week flew by quickly and before Aniya knew it, it was the night of the party. That day was a hectic one because not only did she have to make sure everything went smoothly she had to deal with Miss Diva. You couldn’t tell Gia nothing, she was defiantly feeling herself. Early that day, Aniya and Nicole picked up Gia and spent most of the morning getting pampered; nails, feet, hair and eyebrows were all freshly groomed. While Gia was in the middle of getting her hair done the girls ran by Lucky Strikes to set up the decorations and drop off the cake that Mrs. Debra had made for Gia. Before long they were rushing out of the building to go pick up Gia since she kept blowing up their phones.

  Sighing, “This is going to be a long day,” Aniya thought.

  Once they picked Gia up the girls went to grab a light meal at one of the many restaurants New York City had to offer. What should’ve been a quick lunch turned into a two hour reminiscing session, time was not on their side today and before they knew it, it was time to start getting ready for the party. When Aniya pulled up at Gia’s house she noticed Gavin’s Range rover parked in the driveway, not in the mood for him she made up an excuse telling the girls she had to go pick Kendrick up. Gia tried to protest telling her to get dressed there but Aniya told her she would just get dressed at his house and see them at the party later.

  All the girls had to do was take a quick shower and throw on their clothes. Instead of getting dressed at home Nicole had brought her clothes to Gia’s earlier so she could get dressed there. Walking in, they noticed the guys sitting on the couch doing the usual; drinking and playing the game.

  “Y’all do know that my party is in a little, shouldn’t y’all be getting dressed instead of playing the game?” Gia asked.

  “Chill mini g we got this, it don’t take us long to get dressed,” Gavin replied never bothering to take his eyes off the screen as he was talking to her.

  “Whatever, what y’all drinking?”

  “Henny…what else? Hey Nic!”

  “Hey Giovanni. You sharing?”

  He looked Nicole’s way real fast before bringing his eyes back to the screen, “Umm yeah of course but that’s if you can handle it.”

  “I can handle anything,” Nicole said.

  Mumbling to himself, “Yeah iight anything but me.”

  “What was that?”

  “Nothing baby girl, I said help yourself,” Gio replied.

  “Come on Nic, let’s go get ready.”

  The guys were so into the game that they didn’t realize Gia pick up the entire bottle and bring it with her. Laughing, Nicole followed her upstairs.

  While they got ready, they had their little pregame party, music blasting and liquor, all they were missing was Aniya.

  Sipping on her cup as Nicole did her makeup, Gia couldn’t help but to express herself to her best friend.

  “I should be so excited and happy but Nic I can’t even front, I’m not. I wish my baby was here with me.”

  “Aww and I know he wish he was here with you, did y’all Skype today?”

  “No, hopefully I get to talk to him tomorrow. It would make my birthday that much better, if I don’t I will be so disappointed.”

  “Aww Gia, you can’t think like that, you know he’s going to do everything to call you so you don’t even have to worry about that. It’s almost officially your birthday no more sad talk we got to be living it up,” Nicole shouted.

  “You’re right. I say we take some shots!”

  “Pour it up!!!”

  Downing two shots each, the girls looked themselves over in the mirror, Gia had on a black one piece cat suit that had cut outs in the chest area and the entire back was out. On her feet she had tan Manolo Blahnik boots, that resembled timberland boots but with a heel. Nicole being her reserved self, had on tight army fatigue skinny jeans, a black bandu, studded vest and combat boots. They went downstairs and had the guys snap pictures of them before they all piled into Gio’s hummer and headed to the party.

  It’s my party…I get fly if I want to…

  Pulling up to Lucky Strikes, the outside was packed, the line wrapped all the way around the building as people waited to get in. Pulling up in front, the cameras started flashing. Aniya had Gia feeling like a superstar, she went all out; there were photographers, lights, she even had a red carpet for her. You couldn’t tell Gia nothing as she strutted down the carpet as if she was on the runway, it didn’t help to have people calling and shouting her name as she walked by them. Gio just shook his head
at his sister. Walking in Gia was blown away, she loved everything she couldn’t believe they really put together this extravaganza for her. Making their way to the VIP section, it was on after that.

  The party was in full swing, Gia was everywhere, one minute she was bowling then the next minute you seen her on the dance floor with a bottle in her hand getting down. Gio had got word that his surprise was ready but he wanted to wait until twelve to give it to her. Looking at his watch again it was almost eleven and Aniya still haven’t arrived yet he didn’t even see Gavin anymore. He had told Gio he would be right back but that was over a half hour ago and he still wasn’t back. At the exact time Gavin and his date were making their way upstairs. Gavin was a couple feet in front of her paying no attention to the men drooling at her as they parted for them to get through but she took in everything the hungry stares from men and the envious glares from the females. She knew she was the center of attention; dressed in a nude almost see-through short cocktail dress with the matching nude heels.

  When Gavin picked her up he just shook his head at her and was actually tempted to leave her there. He had told her about his mini G’s birthday celebration at the bowling alley and she had the nerve to walk out wearing that as if she was going to a strip club or something. He noticed the lustful stares from the guys when they thought he wasn’t paying attention and truth be told he couldn’t care less. They made their way to the table where Nicole and Gio were seated. Gavin sat down with them without bothering to introduce his date to them. Following his lead she sat in the booth with them as she looked at them look at her.