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A Dangerous Game of Love Page 13
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Page 13
How did he end up here is what he constantly asked himself and each time he could never come up with an answer. He had everything all figured out or at least he did but everything went all wrong. Lying in bed…well his body was in bed but his heart and mind was elsewhere. As much as he tried to keep her out of his mind somehow someway she invaded his thoughts on the daily. He wasn’t a weak ass nigga or anything but the day she walked out of his life was the day his world ended. Business was booming he had money coming in from left and right all his investments were looking up even his new ones. Everything was going so good that he and Gio were in the process of opening up another dealership. They also partnered up on another matter to make more money. Life should’ve been great for him but it wasn’t something was missing and he knew what it was…..ANIYA.
She stood in the doorway of Gavin’s bedroom staring across the room at him. His eyes were closed and he had a weird look on his face, she knew he wasn’t sleeping because of his breathing. She stood there taking all of him in, the way the light from outside glistened against his skin turned her on, and his manhood standing at full attention didn’t hurt either. There wasn’t anything about him that she didn’t love; she loved it all from his face to his tattooed covered body down to his dirty draws. The moment they got back together was one of the happiest days of her life. The hoe finally got the hint and backed off and she was glad she did. Stripping off her clothes she made her way to the bed.
Feeling soft kisses on the inside of his thighs snapped him out of his thoughts. Opening up his eyes, he stared down at Jayla who rested in between his parted thighs on her knees. He was so caught up in his own world that he forgot that he wasn’t alone.
“What you doing ma?” he asked.
“I’m helping you to relax baby, just lay back and enjoy.”
“Nah Jay I’m good I don’t need help to relax,” he said as he tried to push her up but she was too slick for him. She grabbed his hands and threw a smirk his way before taking his manhood in her mouth. She showed him the true definition of no hands. He tried to throw out a weak protest but loss his train of thoughts as she went to work. Twenty minutes later after a well needed nut he laid back in bed puffing on a blunt fully relaxed as Jayla was in the kitchen cooking him something to eat.
He laid back against the headboard thinking about everything him and Jayla been through. At times she irked the hell out of him but then there were days like today, where he really appreciated her. She would throw her little fits here and there but it didn’t take much to please her all he had to do was dick her down some, show her a little attention and she would go back to being fine. He know he probably did her dirty but it never matter to her each and every time he disappeared on her when he finally made his way back she would be there to welcome him with opened arms. That’s what he loved about her. As of right now she was doing everything right but he knew it was only a matter of time before she got to acting crazy again. No he didn’t love her but if he couldn’t have wait he loved then maybe he should just stick with what he liked…for the moment.
Just kicking it…
When it came to Kendrick, Aniya decided to take things extra slow, even though the night they met she willingly gave him her number she put a hold on their progress. About two weeks had passed and they still hadn't seen each other since that night but they would talk constantly on the phone and text each other. He tried many times to get her to meet up with him but she held her ground and told him she wasn't ready. At first he didn’t pay much attention to what she was saying so he kept trying, but when he noticed her still refusing to see him about a month later he had to find out the reason why. She didn't tell him exactly why, but she did tell him that she recently got out of a bad breakup and she was still in the beginning stages of minding her heart. He figured he could get in her good graces by helping her, so whatever feelings and urges he had for were put on the back burner.
She knew she was being kind of harsh but her heart was a stake and she wasn't willing to risk it being broke again for no one...not again. Kendrick was a sweetheart but she was nowhere near ready to be in another relationship. She did tell him that she could always use another friend. If a friend is what she wanted then a friend is what she got, he was willing to fulfill her every need if she let him. He became an ear for her anything and everything she wanted to talk about he would sit in listen. She didn't tell him much though, letting him in to quickly could back fire on her, so she mostly talked about her friends and her classes all while getting to know each other.
"So pretty lady what are you getting into tonight?"
"Nothing really I'm exhausted all this homework I had to do drained me I just want to sleep."
"I hear that," he chuckled.
"What are you going to do tonight Kenny?"
"I have to work unfortunately."
"How many hours this time?"
"I'm on a seventy-two hour shift so I will be working all weekend."
"Damn. I don’t know how you do it."
Laughing lightly, "I don't how I do it either, but being EMT has it up sides, It’s a thrill for me like when we rush to a bad crash has happened and many victims were hurt, I know that sounds bad but I like that fast pace having to work rapidly but precisely to save a life then there's those times when we get called to a house where it's nothing really wrong with the person but they insist on going to the hospital."
Laughing with him, “Yup you’re crazy but I understand exactly what you’re saying. So…I’m guessing I’m not going to hear from you much then.”
“Nah not even, you will I’m not going to be too busy for you pretty lady. But let me find out you’re going to miss talking to me or something.”
Not ready to reveal the fact that she looked forward to talking to him each and every day, she bit her lip and decided to avoid the question. But little did she know Kendrick wasn’t going to let up.
Taking in her silence he called out to her. “Pretty lady did you hear me?”
“Umm no, what did you say?”
Amused at her answer he held back a chuckle.
“I asked are you going to miss talking to me.”
“Oh please no one thinking about you,” she said jokingly.
“Oh really, so if I don’t call you all weekend you won’t mind…is that what you’re saying?” he questioned.
“No…no…no that’s not what I’m saying at all…Kenny don’t play with me. You would really go all weekend without talking to me?”
“Admit it and I’ll answer.”
“Answer what?” Aniya asked playing dumb.
“Admit that you would miss talking to me that’s what.”
“And if I don’t?”
“If you don’t then maybe you won’t hear from me,” Kenny countered.
“Why does it feel like you’re blackmailing me?”
“Far from blackmailing you sweetheart I just want you to be real with not only me but yourself also. So…”
“Fine Kenny…I’m going to miss you talking to you. So…You better call me,” she told him putting an emphasis on better.
“I knew it,” he laughed.
“Oh whatever you didn’t know anything. But you heard what I said don’t ignore me Kendrick.”
“I heard you and of course I’m going to call you babe,” he said becoming serious.
“I wouldn’t know I couldn’t go a day without talking to you.”
“Aww…” Aniya cooed into the phone.
“I’m serious, but look let me get some sleep while I still can and I’m going to call and check on you later, I promise…okay?”
“Okay…” she replied kind of sad they had to get off the phone.
“Talk to you later and behave pretty lady.”
“I will and you too,” she replied before she hung up the phone….
Aniya busied herself for the rest of the day; she did the homework that would be due the soonest, did her laundry and cleaned the entire house until it was spotless. Aft
er moving things around, her body was aching, she decided to take a hot bath in some Epsom salt. Going upstairs into her master bath she let the tub begin to fill up before sprinkling a cup full of lavender Epsom salt in it. Needing to relax, she lit a couple of lavender candles that was place all throughout the bathroom. She went downstairs and grabbed a bottle of pink barefoot Moscato and a wine glass before making her way back in the bathroom. When the tub was full she stripped her body naked and eased her body into the hot water. Once her body adjusted to the temperature, she grabbed her remote and turned on her surround sound before pouring her a glass of wine.
She was just getting all the way comfortable in her bath before her phone started ringing, hurrying to answer it before she missed the calls she put glass down before picking up the phone up. Seeing it was Kenny and he was checking on her she talked to him for a bit telling him that she was soaking in the tub, which was one of her favorite things to do. He talked to her for a little while longer before letting her go telling her he would talk to her later. Wishing him a goodnight she hung up and continued on with her bath. Washing up she got out and made her way to her room, threw on long a t-shirt before making her way down to feed her empty stomach.
After making something quick she made her way back upstairs to her bedroom. Getting comfortable in her bedroom she pulled out the book Forever and a day by Jasmine Barber and spent the rest of her night reading before falling asleep.
Starting over again…
Feeling like enough time had passed, Aniya figured it was about time for her and Kendrick to meet up and chill together. She wouldn’t consider it a date though, it would be like two friends hanging out, being how she still wasn’t ready to date. Kendrick on the other hand looked at it as one; since he met her he paid no mind to other women, even after she said she only wanted to be friends. He wanted her and he was going to get her, so playing the friend role was cool to him because it would only be a matter of time before he made her his.
She really wasn’t in the mood to go out and be around people so she invited him to her house for a night in, movies and dinner. Standing in the kitchen with booth the refrigerator and freezer wide doors open, she tried to figure out what she could cook for them. Looking up at the clock she seen she had a little over three hours before Kenny was expected. Pulling out a pack of steak she looked in the fridge for peppers, after figuring out what she was going to cook. Steak and peppers with yellow rice and potatoes on the side. After gathering everything she needed to cook she got started making the food.
As the steak, rice, and potatoes were cooking she made her way upstairs to get herself ready. Finished showered she threw on a pair of leggings, a cut off shirt and ankle socks. Being how they were going to stay in she decided on not getting dressed u. She put a couple curls in her hair to give it some body a little eye liner mascara and lip gloss. She blew a kiss at herself in the mirror before leaving out the room.
She made her way back in the kitchen at the same time the timer was going off. After taking the food out, she placed lids on them. While waiting for Kenny she set the time and made her specialty drink; lemonade, pink lemonade and Ciroc peach with slices of lemons. She poured herself a cup trying to calm her nerves. She didn’t know why but she was as nervous as hell to be in his presence, maybe it was because the night they met she held his attention the whole time. His gaze never faltered from her or maybe it was the way he stared at her and how it sent chills throughout her entire body or maybe it was because she didn’t know how to control her feelings when around him. Whatever it was had her shook.
After downing what was left, she went to pour herself another cup, only to be interrupted by the doorbell. As she walked to the door she thought “Damn he’s early.” Knowing it was Kenny she opened the door without looking in the peephole.
“Hi Ken…” Aniya started only to stop talking as the person turned around. It wasn’t Kenny instead it was Gavin standing on her door step.
Frowning, “What are you doing here?” She asked.
“Damn ma, it’s like that? You’re not even the least bit happy to see me?”
“Again I ask; what are you doing here?”
“We need to talk. Can I come in?” He asked.
“We have nothing to talk about and no you can’t. You can leave though; I don’t have time for this Gavin.”
“Nah we have a lot to talk about, so look I’m not leaving until you hear me out.”
Getting frustrated with him, she walked back into the house leaving him standing there. Following behind her he went inside and looked around. Noticing the table made and the aroma of food he asked. “You about to have company or something?”
“That’s none of your business. Look just leave, I don’t want to hear whatever lie you came up with.”
“The hell it’s not, anything concerning you is my business.”
“Not anymore. Look you need to go.”
“Why? Why are you rushing me, you expecting someone else?”
“Gavin just go. I don’t have anything to say to you.”
Walking closer to her until he was all up in her personal space, she tried to take a step back but he pulled her close to him.
“Answer my question Niy!” Gavin demanded with an livid look on his face.
Ding Dong…Ding Dong
The two stood staring at each other until the person rang the door again.
“Let me go I have to get that,” Aniya said. Looking at her for a moment he let her go, but followed her to the door.
She sucked her teeth as she felt him walking so close behind her. “Really Gavin?”
“Answer the door.”
“I am and when I do you’re leaving.”
Knowing how this was going to look she placed a smile on her face and let Kendrick in.
“Hey Kenny…you made it.”
Looking from Aniya to the guy standing behind her he had a confused look on his face. “Umm… what’s going on Aniya?”
“Umm look…just go in the living room give me a minute…please.”
“You okay?” he asked while never breaking eye contact with Gavin.
“Yeah nigga she good! Best believe whenever I’m around she’s good,” Gavin snapped.
“Gavin stop please! Kenny do not pay him any attention! I’m good let me just handle this real fast,” she assured him.
“So this is what it is Niy? You leave me and run into the next nigga arms?” Gavin asked becoming heated. Who the fuck was this nigga and what was he to her.
“I don’t have to explain anything to you, you messed up not me and not that’s it’s any of your business but he’s only my friend so I didn’t go running into no one’s arms. Now if you’ll excuse me I have company so you need to leave. I don’t even know why you came here in the first place.”
“So that’s it? You’re still not going to let me explain? You would rather be with him than to be with me?” Gavin asked shaking his head, nah that’s not what she was saying, it couldn’t be.
“It’s nothing for you to explain, I know what it was and I’m over it. I’m nothing with anyone, look just go Gav please…if you care anything for me you will leave like I asked you.”
Feeling defeated, Gavin looked at her with sad eyes, “Iight lil mama you got it, I’m gone.”
Walking up to her, he watched as her body tensed but that didn’t stop him, he stood before her with their chest touching, wrapping his arms around her body he inhaled her scent and the feel of her body, knowing it could be the very last time he felt it. Leaning down, his lips grazed her ear as he whispered into it,
“What we had, nah what we have is real, you might think we’re done but we will never be, I told you you’re going to be mine forever. Nothing is going to change that. Somehow someway I’m going to get you to listen to me. I love you lil mama. Remember that!”
As kissed her cheek, she closed her eyes savoring the feeling of his lips, by the time she opened them Gavin was gone.
Sighing deeply sh
e slowly pivoted around when she felt herself being watched. Looking up Kendrick wore a mixed expression. She couldn’t tell if he was mad or what honestly she didn’t really care.
“Umm…you want to tell me what that was about?” he asked as he struggled to keep his voice from rising.
“No…not really it wasn’t nothing so let it go,” Aniya spat with much attitude.
“Obviously it was something and I’m going to need a better answer I deserve that much.”
“Look Kendrick that was my ex-boyfriend we broke up a couple of months ago. That’s all I’m going to tell you, either you accept it and let it and we continue with what I had plan or you keep dwelling on it and leave…you choose.”
Not wanting to blow his chance he took a deep breath while running his hands over his face.
“It smells good in here pretty lady, what did you cook?” he asked while smiling up at her. When it came to men Aniya somehow always managed to wrap them around her fingers. It started with her father, than Gio and Gavin and now Kendrick.
“I cooked a little something c’mon let’s go eat.”
Hustla Musik…
Leaving Aniya's crib Gavin was beyond tight. He knew he shouldn't have just popped up over there but he took a chance, even though he tried to play it off he missed her badly. Enough time had passed he thought she would hear him out but to his shock she had another nigga in the house. Riding round the city bumping Lil Wayne's Hustla Musik he tried to calm his nerves. He was tempted to turn the car around throw the nigga out and make her listen to him. Knowing if he did that it would only make everything worse.
How could she just ask like what they had didn't exist? Like it wasn't everything and more?
Shaking his head, he pulled out his phone, he needed to relieve some stress and he knew just the person he could call to do it.
"Aye Jayla where you at?"
"Hi baby," she cooed in the phone.